One thing I remember the most about being "in the truth" was the basic premise that all other religious orgs on the earth at one time or another taught a lie (and or still was teaching lies). This was the "crowning jewel" for the WTBS. They never "lied".
In a recent conversation with an elder, he made mention of this again. He stated: "If there is any lie, then God would not recognize them, or their service..." Of course, he still maintains that the WTBS has _never_lied. His prime example against other org's teachings is Christmas. ("It is celebrated as christ's b-day, when it is not").
Of course, any reasoning about wether or not they actually "teach it" as his b-day vs. the symbolic nature of it only goes downhill from there.
My question for the group:
What would be your "prime example" of an "in your face" lie that you could "prove" the Watchtower taught to it's followers?
I think it would be extremely telling to have a "we never did/said this/that" with a subsequent proof that they did.
(IMHO, this cannot be a "lie" to the outside folks (since they would quote "theocratic warfare".) So it has to be a lie to the followers thru one of their own publications.
Since the WTBS nit picks that any amount of "lying" by another org disqualifies them, I think that applies to the WTBS as well.
Some of the ones that come to my mind:
1. thier revisionist history of thier own org. (I actually intend to show this elder the quote in the "divine pourpose" book where they state that they never published a biography of russel alongside of the actual "Divine plan of the ages" that contains said biography)
2. The misleading "mis quotes" of external sources. The ones from the Evolution/Creation book are the first to come to mind.
3. I love the preface to the Rutherford Light book:
No Credit is due and none should be given to any man for what appears herein. Te Revelation is God's, given to his beloved Son for the benefit of his servants and sent to them by the angels of the Lord.versus the current lines that they "don't claim to be inspired..."
Your thoughts?