Paradise is going to suck!
by WasOnceBlind 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Living forever in Paradise is a Egyptian concept called the field of reeds. The Christians just stole it. One can confirm this by reading the book of the Dead. It's also just plain funny thinking people will live along side furious beasts like lions. Ever see a picture of a sabre tooth tiger, oh yeah they ate just vegetation and will again in Paradise with those huge teeth. -
I feel a lot of you are still missing the other point, no one knows the bar set so no one knows who would be there. Think of kids with no parents, parents with no kids, siblings missing their siblings. -
Wasonceblind, sorry if we are being flippant, we stopped believing in paradise a long time ago but you're right the separation from loved ones would be terribly painful. The grief would be appalling, it's a terrible teaching, but the WTS don't care about people being separated from their loved ones. Guess how we know that. -
Living in a world where everything is good and nothing is bad is like trying to make a world where everything is on the left and nothing is on the right. Nature doesn't work like that. -
all these things are nothing to worry about. The latest study wt magazine shows that wt trained rulers will assign you a place to live, work to do. See how well that works in the congregations now. and it will be even better. forever. -
...Building, farming, harvesting, making clothing from scratch...
It would be way, way worse than that...
Think about the "annointed" who won't be hanging out with their"un annointed ", husbands or wives.....or even their children....
How lame is that?
Actually the witness interpretation of 'paradise' sounds a lot like communism. No free speech and being told where to live and what to do, all for the greater good, no doubt. So glad it's not really going to happen! -
Love your post in the link TD, spot on as usual. I always feared a New World where I would have to spend hours on end in back breaking work in the fields in scorching heat...and be expected to look cheerful ..
NB dubs love their tablets and laptops these days . Many have no paper books. Who is going to mine the lithium for the batteries? Make the devices? At Armageddon all their Bibles and literature on digital platforms are gone.
Or perhaps "The Lord will provide "