Whose Your Favorite Movie Star?

by Dutchie 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dutchie

    Changed my mind! Being attacked!!!

  • sunscapes

    No, that wasn't an ATTACK, that was just my first impressions with what you said. If I'm ATTACKING you, you'll know it ! And I'll attack your idea/thought, rather than you personally. However, even you recognized you probably shouldn't have started it, so we'll leave it at that.

    BTW, I probably put MUCH MORE credence into silentlambs' figures than most here do, or suspect I do. In fact, my wife considered them "conservative" and could well top 100,000 (but of course this is just speculation).

    Bill, for the most part, IMHO, is misunderstood and comes across wrong to some, but the facts and the victimizations DO STAND OUT for themselves.

  • expatbrit


  • sunscapes


  • anewperson

    Email [email protected] and ask that the thread be deleted. The board does have WT trolls goading and asking questions such as what's your favorite book, what made you quit the WT, etc. When they mess with me I like to come back on them harder than ever... as you little troll boys are learning the hard way.

  • Dutchie

    Yes, Expabrit, I would like to edit my post and amend it as if it were never started. But how do I do that?? Help me please.

  • sunscapes

    What? What's wrong with asking about life's experiences or favorite books? Often, they're usually offered first, not solicited, but if that's your criteria for trolls...then that detracts from the very fabric of what Simon puts this board here for, IMHO.

    And additionally, you have (I hope) seen my previous posts and they are VERY CRITICAL of the WTS!

  • expatbrit


  • Dutchie

    Expabrit: Thank you very much. I do appreciate your courtesy and understanding.

  • sunscapes

    Well, I'm man enough....I stand by what I said....as Dutchie might say, I rest my case.

    Simon, you may delete this thread for Dutchie's sake, but perhaps it could serve for educational purposes to show what happens when you step in it.....and oversensitivity to "trolls" such that freedom of expression is needlessly curtailed. Perhaps you can delete Dutchy's and meld the rest into the "What Is A Troll" thread.

    Just my two.

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