With all the furor over the JW's cash strapped pleas, I'm surprised no one noticed a different issue with this broadcast. It was HISTORIC! Did anyone else get that? Yes, all 7 of the GB have broadcast in the 7 months of the channel's existence! Is that not HISTORICAL?
But, wait. What?
Given that it is a group who believe that Revelation prophecies were fulfilled by giving a talk at a Cedar Point, Ohio Conventions*, I guess it doesn't take much for delusional minds to make something over any trivial thing.
But, the idea of impressing on gullible people that this makes it a Historical event. smh
*Athanasius11 years ago
I've never been to Cedar Point, Ohio. But did you know that half of the prophecies in the book of Revelation were fulfilled during conventions that the JWs held in that city? http://bit.ly/1GRuAy6