Well, it's Sunday and we've done reading the Sunday papers, so thought it might be nice to poll the worldwide community on some important issues. No, it's not meant to be fluff, I'm serious in inviting opinions from ExDubs in many places, so please respond.
This week I've chosen the question especially for the large worldwide DA/DF community: What is the main reason for you not wanting to return?
Is it:
1. Stumbled by the elders' conduct toward you
2. Doubts about doctrines of the WTS
3. Doubts about WTS chronology (like 1914, etc)
4. Just doubts!
5. Found something better
6. Other (feel free to give details)
My own hunch is that the rude and arrogant attitude of some elders toward you at the time of your DA/DF was enough to keep you from ever wanting to return. Am I correct? I would really be interested in seeing responses from our worldwide 'on board' community. Yeah, OK, I do have a reason!
"If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."
- Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress