Here it is:
I hope that writing this, there will be some Lurkers that I can shake.
If you have not listened to Mays TV broadcast, please do. It may wake some up.
Note @ around 21-22 minutes into the broadcast Lett brings up the the Kingdom Halls/Assembly Hall loans have been cancelled and the congregation can now send in what they can afford. many banks would do that?
What Lett fails to mention, is that there was a BOE letter regarding this. Page 1 was to be read to the congregation but page 2 and 3 were for the Elders eyes only. Well, on page 2 the question is asked: " What amount should be used for this new resolved monthly donation?
The answer: "The elders in congregations currently making loan repayments would likely propose a resolution that is at least the same amount as the current monthly loan repayment"
Ok, think about bank (who holds my mortgage) calls me up and tells me that they are going to cancel my mortgage (cool!) BUT I have to continue to send the same amount to them every month for the remainder of my life. Let's say my mortgage would have been paid off in 10 years with my original mortgage. I have a paid off home in 10 years. Now...the new way, let's say I live until I am 80 years old. Now I have to pay them the same amount for another 30 years? Ok, I am not a mathematician here but who's getting the raw end of the deal here? Me, me, me!!! I am an idiot if I go along with it.
It also asks the question on Page 3 of the letter: "What should be done if congregation funds are not sufficient to cover resolved donations?"
The Answer: "If sufficient funds are not available for all resolved donations in a particular month, additional funds should not be solicited. The elders should determine what amounts from the congregation funds that are available at the end of the month will be applied toward the re-solved monthly donation(s) and whether the shortfall should be made up in future months."
Ok, so don't solicit the funds but we will get the short fall in future months. Lett states that the "congregation can send in what they can afford." This is not sending in what you can afford. The congregation either has to send in the amount from the end of month available funds in the congregation or make up for it later.
Most publishers do not know that there is a Page 2 and 3 of the letter. There is a reason for that. Why not read page 2 and 3 to the Congregation. Do they have something to hide?
I listened to the May Broadcast and then directly read the BOE letter. I am disgusted!
I have been raised in this organization and at one time had some hope in these "men." They are dirty rotten scoundrels, living off of the ones trying to survive on what we can. They are cashing checks from little old ladies/men who are living off of rice and beans. They are using people for free labor!
It hurts that we all have been duped (including me at one time). No more!
Please everyone, vote with your wallets and THINK.
Rant over.