Londo: Again, thx!!one of my children watched your whole series of videos, and it made them feel so much better in the manner of presentation.
This child is always having bad dreams of being sucked back into the WT, and this eased their mind with the logic, and sensibleness, and non-aggressive style.
I also think, that because you are so OPPOSITE OF THE WT, in that you do NOT do their thinking, OFFER THE CHOICE, and have them do "homework," and come to their own conclusions, people can have the dignity that every human should have...
The right to make up their ownmind about something ....... without fear of being disfellowshipped, shunned, cast off forever.... (kind of sounds like burning in hell, hmm?) all over a DATE! listen to that... a DATE that merely promotes the rule of the governing body.
Jesus never said you have to believe in a date, he simply said, "love your neighbor as yourself."