You must be thankful to God for maneuvering matters for you to get out of JWs, God’s false friend who dishonor Him saying God felt CHALLENGED by Satan and so on….., hence leaving JWs is not equal to leaving Jehovah. You see a conscious existence within you, which is comparable to a flame; and source of that flame is God. Hence the most easiest thing is the world is to prove the existence of God!
Regarding the use of God’s name:
We have two standards:
1) Jesus used more affectionate form: FATHER
2) Strongest tradition of calling our own fleshly father as FATHER,
Imagine the awkwardness if Malia or Sasha calls her daddy: Father Obama!
You call fire by various words in each language, and it points to fire. As one commentator said rightly said: What is pointed is more important than the pointer!
First of all there is no need of praying if you treat Him as your father (Mathew 6:8)
You seem to be confused with what MEN have written in the Bible as what God Himself has done it. The very fact that God does not bother what people write even in disparaging way about Him is the greatest proof that He did not treat this book as belonging to HIM. If He had some book, He will definitely protect it from having in it any mention belittling Him!