Thanks to Atlantis. Petra, and Vulcan we have available form s-15 Watchtower Publications list March 2013. This is for the US branch only which covers publications in some 380 languages of the more than 600 languages the society prints in.
It would be a major task but if anyone was so inclined they could count the number of different items available from Wallkill and it will provide a good idea (though not complete) of how many titles the society now publishes. I'm curious but with the small print and my eyes I am not attempting it. The Germany branch stocks over 8,000 items and Wallkill has more.
It is true the Society is printing fewer magazine pages. But it is also true they are producing literature,videos, etc in more languages, thus more titles each year. Total printing of magazines, books, Bibles, brochures, booklets, tracts and invitations for the memorial and conventions, plus kn#38, could reach close to 3 billion copies printed during the 2013 calendar (not service) year!
While magazine page count has been reduced (except for the study w and simplified language editions) this will prove to be an extremely busy year for the societies printeries!