That is horrible. I am so sorry this piece of dirt did that to you and your sisters. There was a story in the papers today about a woman who was molested by a family friend. By the time she came to terms with it, it was too late to bring charges. So she wrote a letter to him, telling him how much damage he had done to her, she gave it to him in person, at which time he fondled her breast and told her he would like to perform oral sex on her. She then brought charges and had him prosecuted. He is eighty years old and going to prison.
How sad and pathetic that the FP mom did nothing about it. Not unusual among religious groups, including the dubs. Nobody wants to admit it happens, that would be embarrassing, so they just sweep it under the rug. Do a search on Candace Conti. She was molested by a dub who took her out in field service with him, then took her to his house and molested her. The elders knew he had fondled his step daughter but didn't do any thing but remove his privileges. She won a multi million dollar settlement from the Watchtower.