Quack medicine, quack cures and delusions of being anointed by God channeling this bilge to mankind as Jehovah's pet
carries with it a frightening glimpse of the POWER TRIP Rutherford's little group of bush league 'prophets' were on.
The man, Judge Rutherford, was a real piece of work. He hit the ground running like a bowling ball through ten pins.
He scattered the sheep from the flock like a bullet hitting crystal scatters glass.
And all the while he was creating a world-sized MYTH about his importance in Almighty God's scheme of things.
He saw himself in the center, the hub, the elbow-to-elbow bed partner to Christ as his "bride."
Now isn't that a lovely picture of a totally deranged man with a million dollar printing press in his right hand and
not calm or kind thought in his head? Rutherford proved himself capable of stirring up trouble everywhere-even in the hearts
of people who thought of themselves as "sheep." He created an army of troublemakers, pot-stirrers and self-actuated martyers.
He was a pain in the ass to everybody and it is no little irony he died of cancer of the anus.