In the interest of sticking to the facts, TM was 5'11
Zimmerman Not guilty
by mouthy 480 Replies latest social current
Simon you sound ridiculous and you are twisting words and ignoring the very things that ZIMMERMAN SAID
a. He admits to following Trayvon. His voice can be heard saying it on tape to the dispatcher. When asked is he following him he said "YES". You heard it yourself. Why lie or try to twist this???
b. Unarmed means he had no gun or other type of weapon. In order for his fists to be registered as weapons in the US (Not sure about Canada) it would require some serious form of training. You are aware of this but you think your response is witty when in fact it shows YOUR BIAS. His Physique is a weapon? You sound so freakin ridiculous.
So anyone above a certain Hieght or weight in your eyes is considered armed??? Do you have a Napolean complex of some sort? So pretty much if you ever go to a basketball everyone on the court is considered armed and dangerous to you? You sound ridiculous.
If Pavement is a weapon then as soon as someone walks on the street they are armed. Ridiculous
c. You just made yourself look even worse. I never said he MURDERED him in my statement. Niether did tootired. You are seeing what you want to see Simon. You are angry and your bias is apparent. So as stated HE KILLED TRAYVON MARTIN.
d. The only reason his life was in danger was because he got out of his car following a supposed 6ft5 black guy (WHY DID YOU HAVE TO STIPULATE BLACK GUY. Would you not feel danger if a 6ft5 White guy punched you to the ground, was beating you and pounding your head against the concrete" The fact is he would not be in that situation had he not put himself in that position.
I am not confused with anything, you are confused. Then again maybe you are not, you are fully aware and accepting of your bias. I never said GZ needed to be in prison for life. However because of foolish choices he ended up killing someone. Obviously he wasn't intimidated by TM or he would have not gotten out of his car. If he was scared he could have just waited for the police. However he had a gun which gave him a sense of power. He knew for a fact that if attacked he could use the gun - wether he provoked the attack or not.
The laws in Florida (where I happen to Live) make itextremely easy for someone to killed and the killer be exonerated based mainly on their own words. That scares some people. Maybe not you because people look at you and are not intimidated by your small stature or skin color or whatever it may be. However some of us have kids that are instantl seen as a threat based upon what they are wearing or what color they are and it is a cause for concern
shame on the news channels for not providing theses details in their earlier coverage. blabber only. propaganda. thank you for the reads here.
Obama just spoke about the verdict.
"The death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. Not just for his family, or for any one community, but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin."
I thought this was a dignified response to all division this case has caused.
Oculos Aperire
Hi Simon.. of course the videos are one sided and can only remain so because the other man is dead so he can not make any and his version of events can never be heard.
What these clips do show however is that Zimmermans story is full of contradictions and flaws that can be clearly be heard from his very own mouth.
What even any of us may consider facts or evidence or truth about any of this, the issue and fact remains that not one person here know the real truthabout this situation and what really went down.
There is no point in arguing about any of it.
Simon you seen to have way too much faith in men and jury decisions. As I said before maybe we have to go along with with their judgements and decisions but that does NOT MAKE THEM RIGHT, TRUE OR JUST.
Of course in this case you agree with them as it supports all your previously expressed and pre -determined notions. But that again is not truth either is it now. It's just your opinion, mixed with your desire, and peppered with your prejudice.
So here is question. If Obama can accept the verdict of the 6 women jury panel why can't you guys?
@awaken - awaken2004 your last few sentences sum up how i think most people HERE feel. The holes in his story are many, but it doesn't matter because the case brought against him was a giant mess on the pprosecutions part. Morally GZ should be in jail for 3- 5 years so he can understand that as a common citizen profiling is wrong. His actions resulted in the life of another person being snuffed out because he did a number of stupid things.
@valkyrie - AAll black men at birth are injected witha serum that gives them the ability to grown a half of a foot on command and to summon the punching power of Mike Tyson whenever they see fit. However during the time period that the serum is in effect they are no longer Minors regardless of thier age they instantly become MEN. LOL (It's true look it up)
That's curious. Does being "black" add superpower to an assailant's punch? Makes it more fearful?
I was stating a fact of the case although many black people tend to have heavier & more muscular physiques.
In the interest of sticking to the facts, TM was 5'11
Didn't you know? The human body continues to grow after death.
I believe he was described as 6'2" here, a few days ago. Marvelous!
sosoconfused: Thanks for the laugh! [Sorry, I feel as though I've broken etiquette at a funeral, though. ]
I think I want to meet one of these supermen!