Steve2 is spot on.
Bethelites are used to being like rock stars everywere they went they are treated like royality.
After they are moved on from bethel they will go to a congro somewere and be welcomed with open arms.
After a while they will just be a number in the congro and they have to get on with their life lie everyone else,The problem is they are not used to liveing like the rest of us,They have to budget to eat,power,phone,rent ect and most likley with little money behind them and if they are advanced in years little chance of getting a decent job.
After a while they will realize the dream of liveing at Bethell for the rest of their lifes was just that,They will become John and jane publisher like the rest of them.
Even if they are leaft out in the cold they will cling to whatever hope they can find...saddly for them it will not be at bethell like they thought.