That sparlock video makes me want to vomit.
Another non-JW reacts to Sparlock video
by cedars 56 Replies latest jw friends
Plastic childhood toys make Jehovah sad. Maybe Jehovah should worry more about finding a solution to world suffering rather than a kids toy.
Reminds me a little of Stephanie Miller.
Mom tells son:"Jehovah loves you very much for obeying him Caleb"
This video brings home the point of conditional love as expressed by the corporation's sock puppet Jehovah. Obey Corporation's trend setter Jehovah he becomes happy, disobey and Jehovah's world become filled with sadness that know no bounds and can only be alleviated by Jehovah throwing a temper tantrum. (I wonder how Jehovah can be happy over all the JWs obeying the directive of the GB, and one little kid with a wizzard toy distroys it all bringing Jehovah down from the exhilaration of having millions obeying him to a mass of quivering sadness looking someone to punish so he can get over it?)
Jehovah the corporation's sock puppet driven by the wims of an ever sensitive and loonie Governing Body to more and more senseless depression over childrens toys.
The Sparlock video was recently brought up (again) on Reddit's front page:
I wonder how Caleb's mom would have reacted if the toy was Jesus instead of Sparlock the wizzard?
I wonder how Caleb's mom would have reacted if the toy was Jesus instead of Sparlock the wizzard?
Pretty much anything shocks Caleb's mom - even forgetting to say "please."
I keep hearing the Psycho shower theme in my head whenever I see that pic...
Wow ...thanks for posting these vids.
I feel sick.
Those Brooklyn buzzards are after minds...the younger the better!
A mind control cult ... always was & always will be!
Looks like she had a paralizing fright over another triffle that make Jehovah go into rage: Idolotry