"Faithful & Discreet Slave" Nu-Lite crash course...
Before October 2012...
The Faithful & Discreet Slave were ALL of the 12,000 annointed christians that are still alive on earth. They dispense spiritual food at the proper time and are represented by a small group of powerless and humble men in Brooklyn known as the governing body. This may be compared to professional athletes of a particular sport who hire publicists and/or agents to represent them.
After October 2012...
The Faithful & Discreet Slave are only 8 elite men in Brooklyn, NY who collectively call themselves "The Governing Body". They are essentially executive vice-presidents who report to their CEO Jesus Christ. The remaining annointed are... we'll, let me think for a second... oh heck, just put them down as "domestics" along with the other riff-raff...
So there you have it...