I am fairly new to learning the truth with Jehovah's Witnesses. We have been having 2 home bible studies a week for over 4 months now and we started going to the Kingdom Hall 3+ months now. I am enjoying my studies and the brothers and sisters are wonderful I am happy I didn't shut the door this time.
New to studies Thank You
by mysticalwolf40 32 Replies latest jw friends
You will really get an education here.
If not, I would suggest you read the following book:
Jehovah's Witnesses: Their Claims, Doctrinal Changes, and Prophetic Speculation. What Does the Record Show? by Edmond C. Gruss
I was brought up as a JW and I can confirm that JWFacts.com is another excellent resource for accurate information about the Watchtower.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask. We are here to help.
Enjoy your first love, your taste of spirituality. but
dont stop studying YOURSELF too.
Knowledge beyond what others have, Wisdom, is a protection. Eccl 7:12
keep your wallet closed.
Please research the Jehovah's Witnesses before you get too far along. Be well-educated. The JW's will leave a lot out in their studies. Please check out www.jwfacts.com
What part of the world are you in .?
Welcome to JWN.
Welcome, Please check out jwfacts.com. You need to know their history and things they will not tell you. If you have questions, just come back and ask........many loving people here will help answer anything you want to know.
Many of the brothers and sisters are great people. Welcome!
Learning new things is fun isn't it?
What is it that you have learned that has peaked your interest so far?