that's some heavy duty shiite, pilgrim
My Dad called
by Elsewhere 27 Replies latest jw friends
I love it
great point
oh man! my stomach instantly knotted up reading your post here.i feel for you on this situation, it is very tuff. thank you for reminding me how lucky i am that my father completely ignores me now that i'm 'out'. phew! i keep dreading that he will call...but he doesn't. what a relief, i am soooo lucky (so far).
i know it's tuff on your emotions, but i'm so glad 2 c that you 'vent' here on the board with 'peoples' that can relate to your pain. i really feel for your situation and my thoughts are with you. hang in there, otay!? :)
ps - lol @ Farkel - Great Idea!
Elsewhere I thought I understood you to say that you are DAed?
If I was dfed or daed, and I absolutely didnt want them coming, I would do the same...put up a sign, send a certified letter from an attorney.
Personally, I'd like them coming by. If they were amiacable, I would just chat with them. If they tried to hassle me I would give them all the ways that I know they are a demonizing destructive influence on society.
1..Satan told me.
2..God told me.
3..If I light a match to their literature, it burns.
4..They teach that the mythic land of China is a real place.
5..Bridh (an Irish Goddess) told me, last night, when I was in Tir nĂ¡ mBan with her, shagging royally.
6..They believe in the mythic person called Jesus who never existed.
7..Jesus told me.
8..Who said that?!
9..Most witnesses names begin with either a consonant or a vowel.
10.Silence, and just stare em down, eyes narrowed...:) -
LMAO @ Hygh
((((((((David)))))))) I'm so sorry to hear about the emotional rollercoaster your family is putting you through. I know the ride all too well. I can be flitting about my life in perfect harmony and happiness. One phone call from my parents will put me into a tailspin for weeks. As much as I'd like to get out from that emotional control, I'm just not there yet. I know the pain personally. It does suck. But it gets better. I think distancing yourself is a good idea...actually the only thing that works for me. "Divorcing" your own family is so hard, but sometimes the best decision for all involved.
Sorry you are so distraut Eleswhere. I put a post out, about my father. He hasnt even tried to save my soul,since july ,and that hurts. Am I not worth one more try. I know he wouldnt be able to make
me go back, but he just gave up to easily, just one visit and he wrote me off as dead. Like I said, I havent d/a myself or been d/f.
I'm just not the perfect daughter anymore. Oh well, I guess we have to find some kind of peace and go on with our lives. I wish you happiness Eleswhere. -
I'm just not the perfect daughter anymore.
Me neither sister! And thank God I don't have to live up to that expectation.Andi