Does anyone know if any site hosts the latest issue of The Watchtower and Awake online? I heard a rumour that this was true.
Latest Magazines Online?
by stevieb1 10 Replies latest jw friends
i don't know about that, but i got the latest awake in the mail today....about globalism (gee, who woulda thunk it?) Didn't look too interesting...lots of boring bits in it, and a pic of the WTC on the back.
I don't know about 'latest' but there is a 'study article forum' here, where I occasionally put up WT study articles, quite a bit behind in time tho.
My scanner is down, so for now I have to hand type them. <sigh>
I got into a discussion with a jw WHO IS STARTING TO ASK QUESTION
we we discussing the importance of the preaching work and if it is so important why doesn't the society make it avaible online and for folks who are in a different country they will get it late like they do now anyway.
he could start to see that there is NO REASON for the entire cdrom and all the wt library to be availble to ALL OF MANKIND ESP THOSEA WHO have access to the net
he could see no reason to justtify not puting it on the net beyond the need to keep local jw busy-
same with the new arrangement with the cancelations of subscriptions
he is starting to see that the wt is not doing all it can to get what they say is the most important message to mankind
esp with the use of the Net everyone understands that the net is the means of getting commuincation out today
You might like the magazine but millions of others might will.
Lay off the catnip Fred, that post makes less sense than any other you have made before.
No, no... Fred is just giving us a game to play, that's all! He might want us to mix the words around to make fun and useful sentences! Plus, he is a sexy cat. : )
Here's a link to some of the current articles:
"...the latest awake in the mail today....about globalism..."
Spender, please post a few title's of what is inside this magazine, if you can. Just to give me an idea.
Guess I'm gonna have to make a call to my local kh and get sister-whats-her-name back over here with a hardcopy.
JT I used to think the same thing when I was a non-practicing witness. For those that wish, all of my liturgy, and all of my scriptures, will be posted online for free (for a small fee) to any who want to benefit from them.