by smiddy 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy

    Any and every religion that preaches the bible,prints the bible ,distributes the bible and highlights the bible as the word of God ,certainly cannot be called anything but a witness of GOD,who by all accounts , certainly in mainstream religion recognise the name of God as jehovah / yahweh.

    It is not a name that is exclusive to jehovahs witnesses , many christian religions identify with that name

    So Jehovah`s Witnesses have no reason to boast they are Gods chosen people in this 21st century when they clearly cannot be seperated from other religions claiming the same things.In fact their failed"expectations"I purposely do not use the word prophecy when they made their pronouncements that never came to fruition too many to mention here .In fact many other religions have never fallen into the trap the witnesses have in making predictions/expectations that never materialized,.And their have been many.


  • Satanus

    I think they have more lies than other religions do. Other religions have lies, too, but jws have more. That makes them witnesses to faulsehoods.


  • abbasgreta

    Satanus: Hi! I've been an Anglican for a year, Confirmed since May - have never missed ONE service and have never heard a doctrinal lie(the only sort of lies I'm bothered about) yet. The only printed page we use is the NIV. (There are 3 readings in the service,plus a Psalm exerpt.) I am stunned by the knowledge and skill of the Vicar, Priest, Readers and Curate. I agree with every sentence of every Creed I recite because I have done enough research on them to support my newly-held convictions. Peace, G.

  • Ucantnome

    I thought it was God's eternal purpose and how 1914 ties in with it.

  • mP

    I have seen JWs twice in the past 5 years. The last two werent even local they basically travelled 45 minutes to witness in my area. None of the local KH/JW are ever here and i work from home, so i should have a good chance of running into them if they show up.

    I really wonder where they are. Goto the city on a Saturday you will find a few other religionous people preaching, but never a JW. You dont even see WT & A or tracts in rubbish cans or i nthe gutters near places like train stations. Maybe 10 years ago you did but almost never today.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    They are simply hunting for narcissistic supply for the narcissists. They will use you as long as you provide them narcissistic supply. when you no longer provide narcissistic supply to them they will cut you off. Simple as that.

    EVERYTHING about the jw's is driven by the availability of narcisstic supply. EVERYTHING.

  • Terry

    Jehovah's Witnesses did not exist before 1931 when Judge Rutherford, an attorney, using his legalistic mind came up with the idea

    of the world as a mammoth court room in which every true christian testifies, or, "give witness" or testimony.

    Until the moment of the name change a loose knit group of many separate congregations under many varying names more or less

    thought of themselves as Bible Students (as in International Bible Students.)

    It was Rutherford's plan to unite the scattered and autonomous groups, but, his rough methods and combative nature had only succeeded

    in chasing them away! 2/3 of Russell's followers are estimated to have withdrawn by the time the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" was adopted.

    Under Pastor Russell, the purpose of being a "Bible student" was to marvel at the sure "proofs" of Armageddon catastrophe on such-and-such a date

    which the Bible student hoped to escape. Russell, after all, was a huge proponent of chronology charts and pyramid measurements like the 2nd

    Adventists by whom he had allowed himself to be tutored until striking out on his own in the publishing business throught the Watchtower magazine.

    1914 had been seen as the end. The certain end seemed to drag on past the appointed shelf expiry date! Russell was occupied with temporizing until his

    death 2 years later in 1916.

    Rutherford and his 2nd Adventist cohorts simply snatched the script away from the Adventists once again. Using Ellen White's THE GREAT CONTROVERSY as a template, the Judge created a scenario in which witnesses of Jehovah tried to clear His good name which Satan had slandered.


    The angels, demons and humans needed to see that special and Divine Name VINDICATED.

    Toward that end, Rutherford's books, sermons and radio broadcasts created their own Great Controversy!

    The Watchtower made quite clear that ENEMIES were everywhere who must be reviled, battled and scorned to clear Jehovah's good name.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses were thrown into the heat of needless controversies in community after community until the average citizen hated the very sight of them preaching on street corners and mocking their Pope, pastor, government and other dearly venerated institutions!

    This strident and ad hominem preaching effort landed them in jail, prison and in the hospital time after time.

    With the assistance of Olin Moyle, Hayden Covington and J.F.Rutherford many legal battles ensued all the way up to the Supreme Court.

    Literal courtroom controversy mirrored the make-believe controversy of Ellen White's visions and Watchtower mythos.

    By the time of Rutherford's death in 1942 a great many scarred and battle weary J.W.'s had scuffled and tussled their way into self-legend

    as mighty warriors for Jah!

    The Watchtower Society had ever refused to declare themselves a "religion" inasmuch as religion, it was claimed, was "a snare and a racket."

    All this changed with the passing of time.

    The fiersome and litigious body of door-to-door gadflies and martyrs became gradually transformed, refurbished and reshaped into "model citizens" and

    dedicated evangelists ever vigilant of the "any-second-now" arrival of Armageddon.

    The last hurrah of Adventist nonsense went out in a blaze of glory when Fred Franz concocted an End Times tableau for the all too specific date of 1975!

    Worldwide activity under millions of JW's fizzled out into public embarassment and cognitive dissonance when the date passed without a sqeak from Jehovah or Satan!

    Since that time, this Watchtower Society has imploded, lawyered up and morphed itself into a porcupine Governing Body bristling with self-conscious

    demands for Loyalty and blind obedience.

    It is all about Real Estate sales and Child Molestation court battles kept as quiet as possible through coercion at the local Kingdom Hall and threats

    of shunning and disfellowship tribunals.

    Does that answer your question?

  • Refriedtruth

    JW have always boasted/touted they they are the ONLY ONES who acknowledged and blessed Jesus 'entronement' October 1914.

    They are the ONLY ONES who received him so they are the ONLY true Christians.

    1914 is all we used to ever talk about now the Watchtower wished it would go away.


    Jehovah's Witnesses say that Jesus ALREADY had his second coming in 1914.
    Jesus himself warned of those false prophets who would say,"see he is there in the wilderness,or see he is there in the synagogue'.
    Jesus further warned DO NOT GO AFTER THEM. Since the October 1914 date for Jesus 'return' aka invisible second coming can be debunked.Then the follow up doctrine of the 3 1/2 wait until the selection and sealing of the 'annointed' is also false. Ergo,no 1914 then there can be no 1918 inspection and sealing of the 'anointed' so the entire Watchtower Bible and Tract Society doctrinal superstructure comes crashing down like a house of cards. .......This would mean that the Watchtower leaders the governing body are illegitimate. Jehovah’s Witnesses promotion of their Watchtower sect has the net effect of stumbling and turning people off to the Gospel.
    Jesus said: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte; and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves” (Matt 23:15)

  • Bella15

    They witness a Corporation, the Watchtower INC. they are not witness of Jesus that's for sure ...

  • Crazyguy

    They think they are the only ones preaching the 'good news of the kingdom' but the bible only mentions the 'good news of the kingdom' 8 times yet hundreds of time the 'good news' is about christ. The apostles did not preach the 'good news of the kingdom' they preach about Jesus is the Messiah. The JW's have got the message all wrong.


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