Hi zound, DON'T protest outside of the convention and help feed the WTBTS's message that JWs are being persecuted.
Instead attend the convention long enough to place stickers and business-card size pieces of paper in lavatories, in WTBTS propaganda, and else where with the URL addresses of reputable websites such as www.jwfacts.com, www.watchtowerdocuments.com, www.jwsurvey.org, www.freeminds2.org, and www.freedomofmind.com with smart phone barcodes. If more ex-JWs/JWs attended DC's and assemblies to place this type of information at the conventions/assemblies, the WTBTS would go ballastic and would either become more controlling or eventually discontinue having DC's and assemblies.
The more controlling that the WTBTS becomes: the more likely that JWs will be able to see TTATT.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,