Just mulling over the demise of religion in general as we humans progress away from fear of the unknown.
I was wondering when some country or group will try to outlaw religion. Then I recalled how an all out attack on religion is what is supposed to trigger Armageddon. How unlikely is that? After 9/11 the first thing George Bush said was that Islam is not the problem, extremist terrorists are the problem. So basically even though a religious terrorist group kills 3000 American citizens, religion is not attacked. I fully realize that there are haters out there that are looking to bash Islam. But as a nation the U.S. is tolerant of all religious groups, as are most if not all developed countries.
So in order for the nations to attack religion, Jehovah will have to put it in their minds to do so. Do you remember hearing or reading that in the pages of the Watchtower? So if Jehovah is putting it in their minds to attack and brutally oppress all religions including the one true religion isn't he attacking religion himself? Morally and legally if I give another person the idea or will to brutalize another person I'm as accountable and guilty as the person who carried out the crime.
Once again, so much for the vindication of god's name. The god of the bible is a jerk