I'm starting to pack. Gotta get out of here by the end of the month. I'll loose the internet.
It's stange to pop in and pop out of the lives of others' like this. I came to "visit" in March after a few years away and have to leave again. On this JWN forum we open up and shut down our lives and our ideas in a place where we don't see one another. The good news is also the bad news: we are able to control, to conceal and reveal with text alone--and who knows what else is behind the words.
I wonder about all of you. All the conversations--all--meant so much to me.
I have had a lot of friends and family in my life in town. But the people and the topics--the ARGUMENTS that struggle to be a discussion( and vice versa) have been a critical part of my last few months in town. It has done more than entertain me. I have thought, read, researched and -with renewed awe of the unknown--prayed.
When I first posted here In March I had just left our farm in the very rough rurals (no running water!) for cancer treatment. some of you may know that. A friend bought me the internet connection and I could not work for a long time and spent a lot of time checking "Active Topics". But now I am getting on with life --the cancer is in a category where I can consider it a nuisance factor instead of a life-threatening one. and I do have a lot to deal with.
I resumed my old occupation of spoon carving which has always been good for bread and butter and was also looking for conventional work that could help provide more for my medical bills--but those efforts ceased as of three weeks ago. That was when my step-daughter had come for a visit. She called from the farm to tell me to dial 911 after she checked on my husband. His heavy team ran away with a wagon, hitting a gate post and catapulting him through the air.
Though he does this at nearly regular intervals it is always horrible and painful of course for all--of course for him in particular. But even so, he has never seen any reason to have a plan "B" for our sickness or old age.This time, 11 fractures where he hit on his left side and shoulder, he is at last pensive--because he'll be 80 in September and, tired of getting hurt, he is hanging up his "spurs". At least somewhat. We will move together to a little property closer to town--with only TWO horses. That road is paved. Still an outhouse--but there is a hot shower!
This is Plan "B" for us at last.
And an end to internet for a long while.
I know how the forum is a hit and miss place, and I am certainly not soliciting a farewell party when I am not really "leaving forever" and really not even closing my computer until the last minute-- I'd like to continue adding my 2 cent's worth any time I can get my fumble-fingers to tap--but realistically between packing, moving and spoon carving, I probably won't get to visit much more. and, well, I just wated to say this.
Thank you all. I very much appreciate each of you and wish you well until I can drop in again
Ps--Have I said how inspiring you all are? Well, I have now. Keep it up. We have to love one another, don't we?