Have anyone read this report published by Jonathan
Turley in Oct. 10, 2012 ? Don't know his credentials or
if he is full of crap but I found this to be very interesting.
He stated, one fifth of all Americans and a huge one third of
adults under 30 describe themselves as without a religion.
It is an incredible disconnect with our Politicians who continue
in both parties to push faith based politics. Sensing this trend
toward Agnostic and Atheist views, U.S politicians have increased
their attacks on those who do not believe in an almighty being.
Yet with one out of three young adults listing themselves as
without religious affilation, other polls show atheists are trusted
the same as rapists by other citizens.
Tony Blair think that atheists may be a bigger threat than
terrorists to the future of the world. Political leaders around
the world also opened up attacks on secularists as a growing
That's great, not only are we attacked by the cult(JW) but now we are
viewed by religious people the same as a rapist.
I thought I was making some head way when I left that cult, I'm more
humane, not judgmental, more compassion with my human brothers, I
thought I was making great progress. LOL