*** w62 6/15 p. 381 Avoid Unprofitable Questions ***
"Likewise it is possible to spend valuable time speculating on matters concerning the future.One might ask,
In what year will Armageddon begin?
Will the faithful angels eventually receive immortality?
Will there be factories and machines in use after Armageddon?
Will men wear beards again?
What will be the medium of exchange in the new world?
Will women now past the age of childbearing share in the procreation mandate?
If dedicated parents and children happen to die before Armageddon, which parent will raise the resurrected children, since resurrected mates will not remarry? (Luke 20:35)
These are typical questions to which Jehovah has not provided answers at this time. Do you think it wise for Christians to take time from more profitable Bible study to speculate on the answers? "