Where do you get your news?
by Marvin Shilmer 15 Replies latest jw friends
I said it before and I will say it again. All the major news networks are run by just a handful of very rich corporation. And it is all one sided. They will only talk about what will benefit them and destroy the opposition. Just this last week Glasco smith kline pharmaceutical was caught using money to pay for prostitutes for doctors in China so they will use their drugs. Like half of billion dollars worth. Yet not a word from the big networks. Why? Because Glasco smith kline has bought up large amounts of advertising. Those networks don't want to lose all that advertising. I bet no one has heard about this! This counrty is in alot of trouble and both sides of the fence better start waking up and stop these big corporations. Totally ADD
Sky news
France 24
We will never know the 'truth' about anything in this modern world, unless we have some dedicated workers who will dig, dig, dig and make it public. So many lies, half truths, un-truths, spin, cover ups.
We need brilliant people with brilliant minds to teach us what is really going on.
Many different places. The convenient ones are on the TV.
But WT in the news, definitly here!
Broadcast: BBC News
Print? I do a Trifecta of DrudgeReport.com breitbart.com and for the wacky evangelical spin, theblaze.com
I use to watch TV but I stopped cold February 1 of this year and I'm not depressed any longer:)
Resistance is Futile
Is there even one that's not corrupted by right or left wing spinners?
I like to go to Google News because they report stories from multiple sources.