I can't find any bibles...seems to be a shortage...

by Legacy 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Legacy


    I have been trying to get 4 bibles for some folks I know who use to be JW's...Not sure if they are returning but I'll do my part...Can anyone shed some light or let me know where I can call to get bibles....Patterson says there is a shortage, I've asked around to different halls in different states.

    Could it be because of JW.ORG ?

    Take Care,


  • sir82

    This has been discussed on this site for at least 6 months - something is very odd. The WTS has stopped printing and/or shipping Bibles and has provided no explanation.

    Of course, the cynics among us would say that the Bible is of little importance to the Watchtower's theologcal beliefs anyways, so why not?

  • Londo111

    Some of the speculation here:

    (1) The GB intend to release a new version of the Bible, to be announced at the Annual Meeting in October, and slated for 2014.

    (2) There may be a lawsuit regarding the NWT…but no hard data on this one.

    So far, speculation is speculation and can be taken with a grain of salt.

  • slimboyfat

    Strange dos.

  • ShirleyW

    In your area do they have those table set ups at bus and train stops? I've noticed here in NYC they have Bibles on the table for the taking, along with the other literature, and also they have them displayed in different languages as well.

  • jws

    Even after hearing of shortages, I was able download one on jw.org. Will your friends settle for an online copy? I don't know how many places have a "Half Price Book Store", but whenever I'd wander into their religion section, I usually saw a few JW bibles - some in mint condition. I once saw and bought a used green bible in excellent condition.

    I heard about the lawsuit speculation, but don't recall why or what about it may cause printing to stop (copyright infringement, self-modified bible being used to promote beliefs that are legally questionable?, IDK). If there were a lawsuit that prevented them from printing new ones, I would think it would also apply to online distribution, yet it's out there. So I'm thinking no on the lawsuit.

    That gives me an idea. If they're in demand, maybe I can get some at the used book store and get some $$ on ebay for them. Would JWs buy a used bible? I know that they are wary of used items that demons could be hiding in, but surely a demon couldn't hide in a JW bible, what with the name Jehovah splattered all about in it.

    Nope, less than $2 for one on ebay. Unless it's leather-bound or large print. But those are buy-it-now - no telling whether somebody will.

  • Legacy

    Hi All,

    Thanks for your replies. Did anyone watch the video about an African country had their convention & everybody got their own copy of the bible in their language. I'm not sure what the language was. As we know at these conventions are thousands of people. So maybe, just maybe, they stopped the presses to be able to distribute bibles to everyone. From the video it was said that there was only 1 bible per congregation. Just a thought...They sent the bibles where the need was greater..sound familiar...

    Be Well,


  • sir82
    Some of the speculation here:
    (1) The GB intend to release a new version of the Bible, to be announced at the Annual Meeting in October, and slated for 2014.

    I had not thought of that, but it makes sense.

    Since we're speculating here, I'll throw in my 2 cents:

    I'd speculate that they intended to have a NNWT (New New World Translation) in time for the District Conventions, which after all had the theme "God's Word is Truth". That would seem to be the perfect theme for an assembly where a new Bible is to be released.

    However, I'd further speculate that they have run into some snag, and could see that it wouldn't be ready in time.

    Why not go for broke in the speculation department - maybe its not a production snag at all, but perhaps there are some "controversial" wording changes, and they'd prefer that all JWs get the new Bible on the same weekend, as opposed to the distribution process dragging out across 3 or 4 months as happens at the DCs. I.e., to cut down on "confusion" and "disunity" everybody gets their Bibles over the same 2-day period (due to space limitations at assembly halls, the AGM parts will be repeated over a Saturday & Sunday).

    Who will wager with me that I'm least 75% right on all this?

  • Londo111

    Also, it could be since the growth in the English speaking territory is stalled, it could be now that priority will be where there are increases or potential for increase. All speculation courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Apostata-man!

  • LostGeneration

    sir may have nailed it there.

    If they do some "adding" with terms like "governing body" and "organization" you can't have people reading out of their old bible and seeing the differences! If its an all-at-once change out of old bibles for new, those folks who do the bible binding are gonna make a killing in 2014!


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