'Apostates want to draw people after themselves'--what are they really implying?

by sd-7 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    LOL @ Jeffro "Where do I join up, is there cake".

    I mentioned this rumour to an old friend, never a JW, just this weekend. He laughed and said "I am not joining, I would prefer to be scammed by people I don't know !".

    As I said above, I am sure the constant harping on about Apostates will bite the WT in the bum, I remember when I first read the "Proclaimers" book, which was ages after it had been first published, but I thought to myself "This is just a reply to what apostates have levelled at them", and I realised that it was very "economical" with the truth.

    Any JW still able to actually think will be pushed to investigate further, at which point the WT House of Cards flutters to the floor in an ugly heap.

    As with most of the WT propaganda, there is an element of truth in the statement that we "try to draw people after ourselves", we do, not in the sense of wanting personal followers, but in trying to get those we love to stop being imprisoned and fleeced by the WT, and to join us on Freedom Road.

  • punkofnice

    Phizzy -

    the rumour went around that I had left to start my own religion

    Oh, snap! This must be a standard JWism. This is one of the things they said about me too.

    I also became a false prophet too.............apparently.

    There were a few rumours spread about me.................hilarious!

    I don't know about 'Apostates(TM)' wanting to 'draw people after themselves' so much as the GB know that their doctrines are beyond stupid. Their cult is ridiculous. Their 'new light(TM)' to be laughed at more each time they trot their new clap trap out.

    It's more likely that the JWs that are waking up will listen to 'apostates(TM)', see the logic of what's said and leave the paedophile protecting cult of the trademark god Jehovah(TM).

    Rather than actually 'following' said 'apostates(TM)' the awoken JW finds their own path to freedom.

    That the WBT$ use the misquote: 'Apostates want to draw people after themselves' is just an appeal to fear fallacy.

  • Jeffro

    If I wanted followers, I'd sign up to Twitter.

  • steve2

    Terry nailed it with his astute observation. In Freudian terms it's called Projection - a defense mechanism in which you (think you) see in others things you yourself do that you cannot consciously acknowledge you do - thus you accuse others of doing exactly what you are guilty of doing.I often wondered how brothers could stand in good conscience on the platform accusing members of the churches of Christendom of being followers of men when the elders themselves - to say nothing of the sheeplike rank and file - were little more than slaves to the self-appointed channel (of men) in Brooklyn.

  • FrankieGoesToHollywood

    well, to draw people after themself, is exactly what Judge "Booze" Rutherford did when "hi-jacked" the authority from the Bible students.

    He was one of the worst Apostates of the teachings of the Christ and Paul and invented his own religion that contradicts the Gospels on many accounts. Not to mention the crazy interpretations of the Revelation book.

    A semi-jew cult became the disastrous outcome.

  • Pistoff
    Personally, I don't want people following me. I want people to follow their own path.

    sd-7, this humble attitude is why you are my new leader

  • Vidiot
    Terry - "What the GB are guilty of themselves, they see in others."

    That's it in a nutshell.

    They've poached the disgruntled membership of other churches for decades, now; of course they're gonna be freaked out about the possibility of someone doing it to them.

  • scary21

    GREAT post sd7..........I wanted to say what Steve said...

  • LongHairGal


    As other posters have pointed out, they are afraid others will do as they are doing: drawing people after themselves, not Jesus. It is a man-worshipping, organization-worshipping religion.

    In a backwards way, they have pointed the finger of guilt at themselves.


    You are so right about them getting disgruntled membership of other churches. All the JW religion is is an old story wrapped up in a slightly different package and using the divine name and promise of "paradise on earth" as a carrot to dangle in front of people. In a way, I always wonder if it appealed to people's fear of dying and the religion's claim of how some possibly will "never see death" as a lure for many people from Christendom. It also picked up steam and gained many members towards the end part of the 20th century. Again, fear of death and end of the world.

    By the way: I have never met any so-called apostate that started their own church.

  • slimboyfat

    Who denied it supplied it.

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