Shall I fill in for Prime on this thread?... I think he's been trying to say:

Bad elders are sometimes recommended by stupid local elders that don't know their a$ses from a hole in the ground. When these idiots recommend their appointment, the branch goes through a bunch of bull$hit where they pretend that the GB prayerfully reviews these brothers appointment so that we can be fully confident that SkyDaddy approves so that these brothers are appointed "by Holy Spirit." But that's just a bunch of superstitious crap. We know it's just some dude in the Service Department with a rubber stamp that approves whatever the local jerkoffs and the CO recommended. So it's only reasonable that some quantity of criminals will get approved to serve as elders.
The important thing is that in legal terms, none of that stuff that WT says about SkyDaddy, the GB, and the Holy Spirit having any responsibility for the appointment of child molesters. In legal terms, WT is Teflon and in those cases where children are molested, the parents are to blame for trusting the local fools on the BoE. Just like WT isn't to blame for the millions of people that believe the nonsense they've has been printing about the end coming "soon." It's the fault of the JWs themselves for being too eager and making assumptions beyond the purposes of God. Just as a person should not trust any prophecy by WT, a person should not trust an elder to be alone with a child, a single sister, any of your pets, or even an apple pie.
And you all are apostates, so I'm leaving, and I mean it this time!