Why do a lot of elderly in winter have to stay in bed longer because of the cost of fuel when the Royals can walk about stark naked in the middle of January and not even get a goose bump ?
Do You Care About "The Royal Baby"?
by minimus 74 Replies latest jw friends
edmond dantes
How come Prince William's house can speak it has just been reported that Kensington Palace has announced the name of the baby I can't get my house to say a word .
I have been training it to say Jehovahs go away but nope I ended up puttting a sign on the door.
George? That's old fashioned. I hoped this modern royalty would have chosen a new name, like Zane, Marcus, Jake, Jacob, . . . or in a way Harold for William's other brother who Kate seems to admire.
Prince George Alexander Louis
. . or in a way Harold for William's other brother who Kate seems to admire.
By the way his name is Henry, Harry for short. I'm not particularly a royalist but .... that's his name.
Band on the Run
Henry or George. Louis after Louis Mountbatten will prob. be in his name. Perhaps Philip. He will have five or six names that no one will remember. Maybe an Arthur will be stuck.
I read that Prince Charles' name cause great trouble because of the execution of Charlies the I and the deathbead conversion of Charles II to Catholicism. Also, James may be difficult because of Charles II' brother James who was demoted in favor of William and Mary.
I can't believe in this day how many people are angry that Charles may announce his conversion to Roman Catholicism on his father's death or on his deathbead (Charles' deathbed). Is it antiCatholic or is it a comment on Charles' character? Americans can't tell.
still thinking
freetobeme....that is gross.
Still Thinking - I agree with you. Is he a teenager?
I think the royal family serves an important function and if you are going to have a monarchy do it with style or not at all.
They are a symbolic focus for national unity. It allows us Brits to oppose the big decisions of the government of the day while remaining loyal to the Crown.
Could Americans oppose the war in Iraq without being viewed as "un-American"?
There is something to tradition and history, respect for a larger community in a sense.
I think it's cool.
Twitch (of the commonwealth clan)
I'd be more interested to see if Charles will ever become King.
Minimus ....
Same here. I think Charles Barkley would be a great King. He wouldn't hesitate to give his views on the news of the day. A guy who tells it like he sees it.
Rub a Dub