I have talked to Christians for years on this subject and they all seem more confused then ever. Some Born Agains have a hard time reconciling Hellfire damnation with Jehovah's loving personality. The two just can't mix. I have heard some Born Agains say that Jehovah will seperate unsaved people for all eternity. Some have said the unsaved will be mentally "tormented". Some have said Jehovah will punish them with fire case closed. But the dilema they have is if Jehovah is going to punish unsaved people for all eternity where does that place the Jewish children and babies that has not accepted Jesus? Born Agains are just silent on this point because it would make Jehovah a monster to torture children and babies. Posters would do you think?
Do you think that "Born Agains" will eventually abandon the "Hellfire" doctrine?
by booker-t 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't think the witnesses have believed in the hellfire doctrine for a long long time.
It's one the things they use to differentiate themselves from "Christendom" (mostly, Catholicism).
Jehovahs Witnesses believe you don't have a soul, you are a soul, and once you die you become dust and that's it.
(unless you are are written in God's Eye-Spy Bumper Book of Good 'uns).
Even the Pope doesn't believe in eternal hellfire some of the Archbishops of cantaberry didn't believe and about 20% of evangelicals don't believe it. The witnesses got their belief from the Adventists who have a different view that is the Adventists believe in the lake of fire where the wicked will be punished for a time but will not last for ever.
No, as it would require the use of their brains.
No. Too bad too, because eternal torment of immortal human souls is extra-biblical.
I don't know any Christians (born again or otherwise) that call it 'hellfire' or use the word jehovah. Secondly for most Christians it is not a 'salvation' issue therefore they are allowed to have different opinions. Just like jw's who think THEIR non jw family will somehow make into the fictional paradise earth if they (the jw) just work hard enough.
I wish "Born Agains" would abandon the "Born Again" doctrine.
Are the 'born agains ' the ones that they have to speak in tongues to prove they are saved? My understanding is that all christians are born again and have the Holy Spirit.
Apparently this church still believes in hell fire
Ha Ha Lisa, love that!