lisa - "bring your wife so we can discuss surgery". (think roto-rooter)
I called and cancelled the appt. I see no reason for surgery when he was actually better than 5 yrs ago.
They said he was also retaining urine. (according to the ultrasound) I'm pretty sure it was because he had to give a urine sample so when the cup was full, he stopped peeing set the cup down and could not restart, right before the ultra sound. It is fine if he empties completely without stopping.
A Trans urethral resection (TUR) is a fairly routine operation and has shown to be very helpful treatment for the problems associated with an enlarged prostate. An instrument is inserted into the penis and when it reaches the prostate it opens a small blade and is withdrawn, cutting the urethra on the inside and enlarging the natural opening. A larger instrument is introduced and removes the benign tissue from the gland.
Urine retention can be serious and lead to more serious problems. The tedious "load and squirt" method of peeing is a real nuisance and most men don't have the patience for it .
My Grandfather elected to have the surgery at 86 and he did well afterward. An uncle was told the surgery would be recommended when he was 55. He was turned off by the description of the procedure and decided to spend the rest of his life taking 10 minutes to pee several times a day. His life was cut short by an auto accident a few days before his 60th birthday.
It is interesting the way you worded your post. Sounds like you wear the pants, lol.