Jehovah's Witnesses calling us "mentally diseased" hits Danish media
by Amelia Ashton 23 Replies latest jw friends
Good! The United States government might want to take notice and join the 21st Century when it comes to recognizing religious hate speech as a crime.
Thanks for posting this Amelia!
"Wanting to keep a distance" and freaked-out paranoid rhetoric are not the same thing.
I love the Google translation:
" When Jesus walked on earth, he called his religious opponents married long-fry."
"Did you hear what happened with Andre and Susan? They're married long-fries now!"
Marked, thanks
If JW's want to stay away from apostates why don't they just so and do it. The adding of the name calling, mentally diseased etc., takes it to another level meant to demean and punish the ones who left the org and to instill fear of them.
A$$holes. What they say and put in print will follow them around forever...thankfully.
I love the Google translation:
"When Jesus walked on earth, he called his religious opponents married long-fry."
Those are fighting words!
*"offspring of poisonous snakes."
label licker
How sad society took away everyone's freewill to think for themselves. Something that god gave to each and everyone of us to use according to our conscience. 1 Corinthians 4:3-5 They even took away what belongs to Jesus.