There I said it. We are mentally diseased in ways that most normal people cannot understand. It does bare asking " What part did the Wt. have in causing this problem?" My answer is all of it. For many months now I have been thinking about this accusation the Wt. cult has been throwing around in their publications and talks at the DC. and all I can see is they are the main cause of it all. Countless accounts of child abuse, mental abuse and every other form of abuse I have read about by all those who come to this site. The deep scares they have left in all of us. Leading many to broken marriages, depression, families torn apart by the cult mentality and who knows what else. And yet the Wt. is not happy with just that now they are making us out like demons by their name calling. Making those who are still under their mind control even more frighten of us. And for us who have seen the light and are trying to put all of this behind us and working hard to become normal. But no we can't have that! Now the Wt. is still trying to control us by their wicked, depraved and impure talks about what they think we have become.
In reality most of us are fighting with all we have to become normal again. But yet those scares are very deep in many of us and for most we know it will take a long time to heal from them. For me and my household we will rise above all of this and someday the path my wife and I have taken hopefully the rest of our family and friends will also see the light by our example.
Let all of us raise our heads high and show the Wt. and say to the world. Yes we are mentally diseased because of the Wt. cult and we are fighting hard to become normal loving people who are productive world citizens. Not living for the future but for the present helping and doing good for all that knows us. I hope these thoughts will help all of us to see what insight we all have to help others. So what are your thoughts and hopes on fighting this mental diseased called the Wt. cult? Totally ADD