Eighty-Four year old drives her disfellowshipped son to meetings and sits inside Kingdom Hall.

by RULES & REGULATIONS 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I have a customer who's son is a Jehovah's Witness. He was disfellowshipped over a year ago. This is the second time he's been disfellowshipped. This last time was due to heavy drinking and fighting with and elder ( who was his landlord ). He was thrown out of his apartment. His mom took him in because he has no place to live and to make sure he stops drinking.

    My customer( who is not a Jehovah's Witness) told me that her son has started to attend the meetings the last couple of weeks. She has to drive him to the meetings and sit in the back of the Kingdom Hall and leave as soon as the meetings end. She was told that no one at the Kingdom Hall was allowed to pick up her son and drive him to the meetings. ( Here is an 84 year old widow who has to drive twice a week and sit in he Kingdom Hall and listen in).

    As she stated..." I cannot believe what they make someone who has a drinking problem go through as a Jehovah's Witness. As a practicing Methodist,we show compassion for people who are having a difficult time in their life."

  • DwainBowman
    There is a brother in the k-jail here that was dfed for drinking. Poor guy he has such a big heart, he is taking care of his X that treats him like dirt, and two grown kids, that can't seem to do anything for themselves! He also has a very high stress job. But lovingly they dfed him, to show how much they care : (
  • Alive!

    In our congregation I can think of at least 4 kids who became drug addicts. Not recreational users - but serious life destroying addicts.

    No serious comprehension of the hurt, only a buzz of excitement whenever one would emerge from their personal hell to attend a meeting.

    Each one eventually capitulated to a lost and broken life - whilst their pioneer mothers took new 'one' under their tender wings....

  • Crazyguy
    What about the stories of df'd ones having to go to meetings for years before they got reinstated.
  • CloseTheDoor
  • RoyalFlushPhil

    Sounds like so many JWs who are heavy drinkers, do drugs but something about having sex makes them come forward and confess their sins to the Elders, never mind they leave out snorting coke, banging heroine, Ice and smoking weed. Why does having sex bother them when substance abuse and porn don't, weird people.

    Also why do they dis-fellowship people for drinking or fighting, if Jesus Christ forgave Peter who cut the ear of Malchus (the High Priest's slave) why can't the Elders who are in Jesus Christ's hand forgive them?

  • LisaRose

    I don't know what they are saying lately, but back in the day it was considered acceptable to give a disfellowshipped one a ride to the meeting. But forget kindness and mercy because most people won't due to fear of what people would think.

    Why not share the ttatt with mom so she can free her son from this stupid religion?

  • CloseTheDoor

    I've seen so many drunk elders it's not even funny. One was DF'd after nearly 30 years of the problem being known by the other elders.

    Another elder died of cirrhosis of the liver. He and his wife would buy beer by the case almost daily. He also sat on a JC to disfellowship others for doing the same thing him and his wife did. No one ever wanted to talk to him because of his alcohol breath.

  • kaik

    Drinking is a huge problem among JWs. Many of them drank heavily. As well as CTD mention, I knew man who died from cirrhosis in my old KH. Sometimes he will get so drunk that he will open doors and yell through entire block, but his wife was extremely orthodox pioneer. My JW uncle drunk a lot as well, but hid it from his family that he crashed at my dad or grandma. Once my uncle was so drunk that he attacked my dad tearing his ear and broke his head, and my dad ended in emergency room to get stitches. When I was kid this uncle often would sleep on the stairs outside the house as my dad would refuse to open the doors for kids safety.

    Also in the early 1990's elders got so drunk after program in KH that one of them waddled out and pied on the street right next to bus stop in public.

  • rebel8
    We provided rides to a dfd person when I was a kid. It was awkward silence the entire time. I had forgotten about that. So bizarre.

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