Liberace " Behind The Candelabra"

by smiddy 17 Replies latest social entertainment

  • smiddy

    WOW , I`m not gay , and I dont have gay tendencies , (a couple of scenes I have to turn away) but thats just me.

    I thought the movie over all was done exceedingly well. M Douglass captured liberace to a tee. Rob Lowe should get an oscar for his performance.and matt damon was beleivable in his role.

    I watched this movie not knowing what I was going to see,and on a scale of 1 out of 10 I would give it an 8


  • Phizzy

    Thanks for the "review" Smiddy, I have heard a lot about this Movie, and will watch it on Telly. It has to be a very special Movie to get me to exert myself and go to the Cinema, and yet the experience is rewarding when I do.

    I wish it success, as it will show that what Hollywood adjudged as being only for a limited audience, in this case a Gay one, is not always so. People will go and see good Movies, if they get the chance, so many good Movies don't get general release here in the U.K.

    So Mrs Phizzy and I sometimes go to the nearby University, which has a Cinema attached, which shows all sorts of weird and wonderful stuff.

  • 88JM

    I went to see it about 3 weeks ago. Not being old enough to remember L iberace, I didn't know what to expect apart from the little I knew. I thought Michael Douglas played it brilliantly. The only cringe bits for me were actually the plastic surgery scenes - totally wasn't prepared for that!

    I tried to keep an open mind as well, as I knew the film was based on Scott's book, so I thought it might be a bit biased, but I think it was probably pretty accurate. At the end of the film, I wasn't sure what my feelings were - whether I should be angry at Liberace or not. Interestingly the person I went to see it with said he felt a lot of sympathy for Scott - I'm not sure myself. I think that amount of money sloshing around probably takes it's toll on even the strongest people in the end. What I would liked to have seen is more scenes with Liberace at the piano - considering that is what most people knew him for, I was surprised there wasn't more of that.

  • smiddy

    This was a movie for TV audiences in the USA by HBO not a cinematic release as I understand it.The USA film industry may have underestimated the potential revenue they could make from this film had it been shown in cinemas.

    In reflection , I think this movie will become a" cult" classic.... ( I know, WE hate THAT word ) I now edit my rating to 9.5 out of 10


  • DesirousOfChange

    I think its strong gay theme would not have sold well here in the Buckle of the Bible Belt. Although "Brokeback Mountain" seems to have been a well received movie with a gay love story that did well at the box office. I have not seen it so I don't know if it was a graphic as "Candelabra". Michael Douglas was excellent!


  • laverite

    I haven't seen Candelabra. I would like to though. I did see Brokeback Mountain which was not in any way graphic. From what I have heard, Candelabra is not sexually graphic though.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Perhaps "graphic" is the wrong word.

    It is not porn. There is a naked hiney shot of Matt D.

    It would clearly get an R rating.

    Maybe something as racy as scenes in "Love & Other Drugs".

    Just it's two guys. And it's pretty clear what they're a-doin'.

    Both would offend my mother. (What's the world coming to?!)


  • ShirleyW

    You should listen to the interview that Scott Thorsen did with Howard Stern, it's on YouTube, he says some extremely interesting things about Michael Jackson and Liberace, even Loretta Lynn and he sounds 101percent creditable. He's already had his "payday", so what he says in the interview sounds like he's just reminiscing about the "good ol' days"

  • Dagney

    It was pretty good I thought. I had heard in an interview before seeing it that prob mentally you have some images and a feeling about this relationship. But the show was so good that soon you are just watching a relationship between people without all the baggage of who is what.

    Well done.

  • laverite

    OMG Shirley, what did he say about Michael Jackson and Loretta? I've never been a fan of MJ. He's always creeped me out.

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