DF'd, DA'd and anyone else...

by sweetone2377 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweetone2377

    Do you still have all your WT literature from your days in the "truth"??

    When I moved from KY to Ohio nearly 3 years ago, I left all my books, notes, everything, on the bookshelves in my home. I never packed them up - nothing. I was so afraid that having that stuff in my home would influence me to go back.

    Anyone else ever feel this way??

    What made me think of this is, lately, I've been doing alot of study on my own (and with help from the iNet) on the JWs. I'm still a little skeptical of having any of their literature in my home, or anything about them really. But I am finally half way through CofC, and have printed copies of the elder's book, the organized book, and some JC meeting transcripts, to give me a starting point.

    Anyone else feel weird about having any type of WT propaganda around the house?

    Former victim and recovering wonderfully from a broken spirit
    Smile, because we all have been freed from slavery!!

  • Kep

    Hey Shelly,
    I did the same, left the lot behind. Mind you, my ex is still a Jo-ho, so she would obviously be putting my library to use. I had some pretty old publications too.
    I never wanted any of it apart from my pioneer book.
    Now, almost 7 years down the track I do wish I had kept them for research purposes.
    I've got a few on the book shelf now and they do bother me. But having CoC and In Search..., plus my Stephen King collection seems to balance it up.

  • sweetone2377

    Yeah, I'm really starting to wish that I had packed up my library with me. But I have a baby sister that i'm sure inherited it. I would like to have mine because of all the little notes I always wrote in the margins, etc (I was quite the studier, you'd think something would have triggered my brain into action, but it didn't). Just so that I could compare what I was being taught then, to what I'm learning now and what the WTS has taught in the past before me.

    The JWs do visit my neighbor. I've thought about asking him to ask them for a reasoning book for me. But I would want to make sure he didn't tell them exactly who it was for, as I'm not prepared to talk to them face to face just yet. And I don't really want any impression left on them that I can be counted as a return visit or possible study.

    Former victim and recovering wonderfully from a broken spirit
    Smile, because we all have been freed from slavery!!

  • mpatrick

    Hi Shelly!

    Not only did I leave all my JW publications behind, but I did it when I moved from Ky to Ohio three years ago! Is that ironic or what! What part of Ky are you from if you don't mind me asking? I grew up in the Sun Valley Congregation, but throughout the years I have attended Williamstown Congregation and the Lexington South Congregation.

    I didn't want any Watchtower propaganda in my home, but not because I feared going back, I just thought it was gargage! Now, I wish I had kept some for references. I really didn't get over the JW doctrinal teachings until a year or so after I moved and I wish I could have read some of the things straight from the publications that I have read here on the internet. There is just something about seeing it in black and white.

    Good to see you are moving on, don't you feel so much happier! I know it is a long, hard road to recovery, but so worth it!!!

    Michelle Patrick (formerly Goetz)

    P.S. Did you see that we are having a XJW get-together this friday? You should come! Email me, if you are interested!

  • Dutchie

    I have a complete library of watchtower literature in both English and German. They provide me with endless bouts of laughter.

  • Kenneson

    For years I kept everything I could find on Jws., from old publications, to dissident Bible Student literature and
    apostate works and anti-Witness materials by Catholics & Protestants, etc. When I moved here I couldn't carry it all with me, so I
    decided to give it to the local university. I have no idea if
    it was kept or discarded. It's been 13 years and I haven't returned
    to check it out.

  • sweetone2377
    Not only did I leave all my JW publications behind, but I did it when I moved from Ky to Ohio three years ago!

    OMG Michelle, that is too funny!!! I was in the eastern most tip of the state, in Pike County.

    .S. Did you see that we are having a XJW get-together this friday? You should come! Email me, if you are interested!
    Actually I haven’t seen that yet. Must have overlooked it somewhere.

    Former victim and recovering wonderfully from a broken spirit
    Smile, because we all have been freed from slavery!!

  • DakotaRed

    I still have all my literature as well as the '95 and '99 CDs. I also have a fairly extensive library of other religious literature, including the Qu'Ran and Book of Mormon. I have it all to see just what control all religions have over their followers and what real harm they do by that control. Plus, it is easy to see that they follow mans words and not Gods. After all, they depend on man to translate the Bible and as we all know, scholars have not been able to agree on translations, but put their personal biases into their work, leaving us with many hundreds of different translations.

    Much of the older litearture I view as historical evidence and lessons learned the hard way.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • animal

    None of that trash is allowed in my house, nor the humans that deliver it.


  • Simon

    We have kept copies of most stuff - it's useful as a reference if nothing else but it is in a box somewhere.

    CoC and the like are on the bookshelf...

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