Do you still have all your WT literature from your days in the "truth"??
When I moved from KY to Ohio nearly 3 years ago, I left all my books, notes, everything, on the bookshelves in my home. I never packed them up - nothing. I was so afraid that having that stuff in my home would influence me to go back.
Anyone else ever feel this way??
What made me think of this is, lately, I've been doing alot of study on my own (and with help from the iNet) on the JWs. I'm still a little skeptical of having any of their literature in my home, or anything about them really. But I am finally half way through CofC, and have printed copies of the elder's book, the organized book, and some JC meeting transcripts, to give me a starting point.
Anyone else feel weird about having any type of WT propaganda around the house?
Former victim and recovering wonderfully from a broken spirit
Smile, because we all have been freed from slavery!!