Catholic Cardinal Says Adam and Eve Didnt Exist
by His Excellency 31 Replies latest jw experiences
It's been the position of the RCC for a long time.
Band on the Run
I don't know any Jews who believe it literally. Of course, I am not Hasidim. Even conservative Jewish friends do not believe it.
Few Roman Catholics believe it. Perhaps my change in socioeconomic status has changed but i don't know anyone in real life who believes it. It is impossible. Perhaps some believe secretly b/c stating that you believe it will shorten your career.
Well, those Jehovah's Witnesses still swear by the literalness of Genesis.
I am so glad I am free to think for myself.
TJ Curioso
If Adam and Eve did not exist, what is the need of the redemption of Jesus ( according to the Scriptures )? If we believe that there was a special creation and intentional from a Creator , how difficult to believe at a first human couple created by God?
After all if life began , why not believe that existed a first man and a first woman ?
It's something so fanciful , assuming that God exists and that became the creator of all that exists , inclusive of humanity ? -
There's a first homo sapiens couple but they were born millions of years from one each other, and the "Eve" came first.
They were not created by a god, they were a product of darwnian algorithm (hereditary, mutation and natural selection).
Evolution or nonchance retention by random mutations.
We were made from a non conscious process that can make complex things from very simple things.
But in this century the intelligence emerged from evolution will creat a new kind of intelligence, an artificial intelligence. Then we'll not be the smartest guys around. And the firsts steps have already been taken by the IBM Watson.
He really nailed it - “It’s a religious story told for religious purposes.”
Caholics often have used the first chapters of Genesis as a Hebrew story to explain the origins of humans etc. When Jesus or Paul quote something in Genesis they answer by saying:
"Yeah they used Jewish scriptures to explain a point. They didn't really beleive them"
The Jews have a better explaination:
They like JWs explain Genesis 1:1-2:4 as time periods from God's standpoint using Ensteins relitivity model. (Ex. The first day is 12 billion years and the second day is...) From them on they take the bible literally.
Adam eveolved from primative animals (using gen 2:7 as support) and God gave him a soul. Adam was the first man with a soul.
The flood occured only in a small valley. etc.
TJ said-
If Adam and Eve did not exist, what is the need of the redemption of Jesus ( according to the Scriptures )?
Bingo! Give that man a ceegar...
That's only one reason why Jews have NEVER believed in the Christian interpretation of the serpent = Satan, or the doctrine of mankind needing redeeming for Adam's original sin; it's just not the way they conceived of God, sinning offerings, OR redemption (go'el) of another person, usually one's kin.
The idea of Christ redeeming mankind is inconsistent with Jewish beliefs and practices, eg per Jewish theology, the sinner MUST repent BEFORE providing a sacrifice (sin offering) or it's wasted effort, the sinner must offer the sacrifice personally (no delegation to another party), there is no inherited debt of sin to one's offspring, and of course the sin is erased in God's eyes upon the sinner's death. Bereshit (Genesis) doesn't mention any of this being done, since the story wasn't recorded for Christians to base their theology off of: it was an origins tale found in a book of law codes, explaining WHY it was critical to pay attention. Don't listen carefully, and things will go VERY BADLY for you and your offspring.
As TJ says, the 'Original Sin' doctrine is built with one questionable unproven (and unproveable) hypothesis stacked on top of another, stacked on another, etc, to make a Leaning Tower of beliefs which paradoxically becomes MORE resistant to challenge as it gets bigger; it's actually reinforced by seeming MORE probable when the claim stretches in outlandishness. How does that happen?
The belief exploits the fallacy of some humans preferring the IMPOSSIBLE that is stated with CERTAINTY over the merely IMPROBABLE. Some people paradoxically become MORE convinced it MUST be true, since they tell themselves who could possibly make this kind of stuff up (the answer is clever men)? In their minds, the implausible becomes MORE believable as it becomes more outlandish: some prefer the COMPLETELY impossible over the merely improbable (especially if the claim appeals to their narcissism, telling them they're the smart boys to have figured it all out).
Moral of the story of Christian's handling of A&E is that if you're going to tell a lie, start small and well within the realm of normal experience, but then slowly go to tall-tale dimensions, since people are easily cognitively-dazzled by impossible linguistic constructions, as some humans will predictably fall for new rephrasings and reinventions of quite ancient concepts that require contemplating the incomprehensible (eg trinity, soul, spirit, heaven, hell, etc).
Soon, they will believe jesus and his miracles never existed.