I heard a rumour today to the effect that there is a new GB member in his late twenties/early thirties. I stress that this is unsubtantiated and requires confirmation or quashing.
Can anyone confirm or definately deny it?
by Slidin Fast 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I heard a rumour today to the effect that there is a new GB member in his late twenties/early thirties. I stress that this is unsubtantiated and requires confirmation or quashing.
Can anyone confirm or definately deny it?
Other than Mark Sanderson?
Yep, someone still in nappies (diapers) accccording to what I heard.
Here he is, being not tempted by evil:
I heard a rumour today to the effect that there is a new GB member in his late twenties/early thirties.
That would sure fire up the hopes of all those young MTS graduates, COs, and bi-polar JDumbs. Wonder how many would start partaking in hopes of being the next youthful GB member?
If it turns out to be more than just a rumour the cult will probably refer to this Scripture if anyone doubts Jehovah's the GB's decision to invite young Brother Deluded to serve on the Sanhedrin Governing Body:
1 Timothy 4:11-12
Keep on giving these commands and teaching them.
Let no man ever look down on your youth.
Who knows? The meaning of "faithful and discreet slave" may one day be expanded to include ALL anointed ones during Christ's presence!
No way that can be true at all. Just knowing how they do things, that makes no sense at all.
Certainly possible, but have not heard that.
It is certainly possible. Because, very recently they inducted two very young men (in their late 20's) into the Branch Committee of India Bethel. This may be a foreshadow of greater things to come!