After reading a couple of posts about the growing apathy among the R&F JWs today I was reminded of the years following 1975 when the dropout rate was growing rapidly and the "faithful" die hards took it as a sign that the "End" was really really near since the winnowing process was removing so much chaff. Keep in mind that this was over 25 years ago. It's been mentioned before but it is worth repeating that, NO matter what is happening, religious fanatics(JWs) always see it as a sign from God. When the growth rate is fast it's a sure sign of old Jehover's blessing before His Day of Wrath and if the numbers are falling it's proof positive that Jehover is sifting out all the "false" Christians just before His Big "A" bird feast party.
Today, after soooo many false alarms, I'm even wondering if the die hards still say these types of things or if they just are finally worn down past the point of caring/believing that Armageddon is really just around the corner? I would guess that even the most dim-witted die hard JWs are having a difficult time keeping up the energy needed to sustain the "mental gymnastics" for such an unsupported premise as "imminent destruction" after years of disappointment. I'm guessing the general apathy and poor results of field service reflect this. All evidence points to the World going on just as it has for billions of years.... but then again that's always the best time for God to strike, when we least suspect it. Baam! Like a thief in the night!... Once again, they can have it both ways: no evidence IS evidence, or "all the signs are fulfilled so we can clearly see that it must be near the End". This nutty back and forth has got to eventually take its toll on even the most "faithful" Witness. I've been out for years so I was hoping someone who is still in or has just left might fill us in on the general mood among your everyday JW in 2002.