July Kingdom Ministry

by CloseTheDoor 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • CloseTheDoor

    The July 2015 Kingdom Ministry says JWs can't do international outreach through the internet, but to instead, point someone in the direction of jw.org site.

    It's just another form of control. The individual publisher is forced to send the interested one to a website fully controlled by the Borg.

  • galaxie

    In short...go to mother like good obedient little children and do not use your own initiative...or suffer the consequences!!! No adult independent reasoning required.

    This directive from the borg is about control !!

  • CloseTheDoor
    Mother, do these underwear match these socks?
  • stuckinarut2

    Again, HOW DID WE not see just how controlling the org is sooner??!

    (next they will be directing how many sheets of toilet paper each person can use!)

  • Quarterback
    They do tell you how many sheets to dry your hands at the conventions. I guess I now have to discontinue my membership at Christian Mingle. I will say this, it's getting harder and harder to count my FS time for Auxilliary Pioneering
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    The guys who right this shit are all governing Body ass kissers. They are so paranoid of the rank and file talking to strangers to them the whole world is evil and not to be trusted which are mere psychological projections of their own devious nature in which they are in denial of big time.
  • NewYork44M
    Yet again, the society shows their totally ignorance of the internet. aren't "chat rooms" 20 years old. I think they still view the internet with their Prodigy dial up.
  • brandnew
    Ummmmmmmmmm......i say .do whatcha want ! ! ! !
  • Oubliette

    Ok, y'all know what I'm gonna say!

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • leaving_quietly

    Overheard conversation before the meeting:

    Brother (speaking to Service Overseer): "Well, Brother So-and-so is a pioneer. Shouldn't he be able to do this?"

    My ears tuned into the conversation.

    Service Overseer: "Weellllll, that's a decision for the service committee."

    Brother: "Oh. I thought anyone who qualified could do it. I mean, you're just sitting there."

    I figured out they were talking about cart witnessing, newly implemented in our cong.

    Service Overseer: "Well, see, you gotta be outgoing. That's one of the qualifications."

    By this time, my attention got diverted, but this just made me shake my head. The brother had a point, all you're doing is sitting there. The REGULAR PIONEER brother was NOT ALLOWED to SIT at a cart because he's NOT OUTGOING ENOUGH!!!!!

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