Dear All,
I thank all of you for your consideration of my post, and for your responses. Espiecially, Alan, I thank YOU!
I was not trying to "promote" anything, nor trying to "shoot my mouth off". I have just been very bothered about what I had come across on the web. I finally decided that if anyone "out there" would know what I was talking about, it would be one of you.
Alan, I do not know if your response was a joke, or a speculation, but it certainly sounded real! And so very believable! I hope that we all remember that orders to kill, in the name of Jehovah, is not a new concept at all. Even one of the elders said to me, before I was disfellowshipped for being raped and not screaming, "You know, if we were living in the days of Israel, you'd be taken outside the city gates and stoned to death". I really don't think this elder would have had any problem of shooting me if he felt that it was Jehovah's will...and that I was an "enemy of Jehovah".
Also, please know that I was not, in any manner, trying to promote the idea of 'crazy JW's coming after us'. Rather, I came to this Forum with the subject because I simply had nowhere else to turn for help. I am not "crazy", or stupid. And I am not trying to turn anyone away from, or to, anything.
At least the subject gives one pause...and something to chew on.
I enjoyed reading each of your responses...again, espiecally yours, Alan! Thank you all. I will be looking for further "enlightenment"!
Angel's blessings!!
Anne Marie
"The unexamined life is not worth living."