Sorry if this breaks the "mood" of this thread, but I have to admit that I'm experiencing a lot of unhappiness right now.
I'm unhappy that "someone" lied to me these past 50+ years.
I'm unhappy that I was so damn guillible to believe all the damn lies.
I'm unhappy that most of my life is in the past and there is likely not enough good years left to turn my/our future around significantly at this point.
I'm unhappy that most of my/our friends of many, many years are all AWOL suddenly (unless they need something from us). They don't shun us publicly or anything like that since we are not DFd/DAd but there are no phone calls, invites, drop bys, etc. even though we do not display pagan lights, we do not sacrifice animals, we have not taken up smoking or use of illegal drugs, and God forbid, I have not [gasp] grown a beard nor gotten a [horror] tattoo!
But happily, drinking helps!
Cheers! Especially to those of you who have been able (or are able to pursue) getting a good education, building a well-paying career (hopefully doing something you enjoy), and enjoy life without the constant struggle of mundane existence.