Show me something better

by WildeLover 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WildeLover

    hi all

    Terry started a really good thread a little while ago.

    it reminded me of what the JW who studied with me and brought me into the Truth said.

    she said show me something better. she qualified this by saying show me another religion that teaches the basics.

    i changed subject but i suppose basics are

    : no trinity

    no hellfire

    :preaching the kingdom

    Jehovah is God's name.

    if only she could wake up and smell the coffee that is served by th WT is actually shit


  • Londo111

    "We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise."--2 Corinthians 10:12

  • whathappened

    Atheism is much better, in my humble opinion than beging a JW. I am stress free.

  • Londo111

    I’m free of stress as a Christian too. Cults heap guilt and fear upon people…stress does come whenever I’ve to have dealings with cult members.

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    The group at the link above meets all your criteria execept they use Yahweh instead of Jehovah.


    Paradise on Earth

    Kingom should be preached

    No Hell

    No Eternal Soul

    Best of all no FDS

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi WildeLover, You could have showed her the Bible and what Jesus Christ said about the Holy Spirit and about organizaed religions, and what Simon Peter said in John 6:68-69. According to Mt 12:30-32 and that the GB considers itself the mediator between JWs and Jesus Christ instead of the Holy Spirit, I would strongly disagree with your bible study conductor that the WTBTS promotes basic christian principles. I could cite additional conflicts, but your bible study conductor is probably fully indoctrinated with the WTBTS's BITE control.

    If you have her email address, I would consider sending her an anonymous email with a short saying like "I found the Truth a". Hopefully, her curiousity will do the rest.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


    P.S. - I consider myself a christian and not associated with any religion.

  • WildeLover

    thanks to all. i appreciate your comments.

    Robert, i am going to send u a PM


  • WildeLover

    thanks Indian Larry. that is a very interesting group!!!


  • villagegirl
    she said show me something better. she qualified this by saying show me another religion that teaches the basics.
    i changed subject but i suppose basics are
    : no trinity
    no hellfire
    :preaching the kingdom
    Jehovah is God's name.

    All of these Basics were being taught to Charles Taze Russell's by Adventists in

    19th Century American Adventist movement, as well as all the

    Bible chronology, the timelines for the End Times. The Watchtower

    keeps claiming it has some " Special Knowledge" and that is not true.

  • Partisan

    "Show me something better!"

    Ahhh, the age-old cry of the huckster and the rallying cry that draws the gullible to buy tickets to the sideshow.

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