What do you think they would find? Even with assurance that all data collected would not be traceable to the individual many would still not have the courage to answer any nagging doubts?
As Corporation CEOs they have to know what the morale of their employees really is, if they don't they are driving this Corporation blindly. They have put up a prohibition on expressing disapproval of Corporation policy, and the only acceptable responce is one of agreement and loyalty. This is so ingrained into the rank and file that the ability to reason beyound corporation policy becomes dangerous ground where many fear to tread so any information gathering among them would at once would be met with suspicion, and fear motivation is to declare supreme loyalty even if anonymous.
I'm sure many would be worried to answer the poll negatively because it might produce another witch hunt like the one back durring the Raymond Franze defection.
Many at Bethel have nagging doubts about this currant Governing Body and suffer with fear and anxiety trying to hard to repress their doubts especially those that gave up so much and so many years of their lives the realization that these guys on the GB are wacko and their future depends on these GB Nincompoops is trying to surface and a major cause of depression that must be handled by the bethel Psychiatrists:
I think the GB are sitting on a gunpowder cake and they won't even no it until it is too late and the admiration party is over and real noticeable disgust becomes the normal .