7/15 WT- Insane, Far Fetched, Narcissistic "New Light " about the FDS

by flipper 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    Then in paragraph # 18 in a final WT leader bit of arrogance and pomp it states, " In view of the foregoing, what can we conclude ? When Jesus comes for judgment during the great tribulation, he WILL FIND that the FAITHFUL SLAVE has been loyally dispensing TIMELY SPIRITUAL FOOD to the domestics. Jesus will then DELIGHT in making the second appointment- over ALL his belongings. Those who make up the FAITHFUL SLAVE WILL GETthis appointment when they receive their heavenly REWARD, becoming CO-RULERS with Christ. " So Jesus is going to be " delighted " to appoint these FREAKS who take advantage of rank & file JW's financially and otherwise as co-rulers with him ? Not. I doubt that VERY seriously. In fact, I know it's a lie. ____Flipper

    You got that right Flip !!!!!

    In the real world they would be fired, not promoted

    They would be fired for continuously servin' bad food

    and lyin' on God, claimin' they got it from him

    after they added poison

    " Thus what is taught is not from men, but from Jehovah "___Sept, 2010 WT para 8 p 13

  • westiebilly11

    good points made....recent articles and convention talks have finally convinced me that the wt organization is delusory and self appointed. they pick scriptures to back up their lies and trickery. is god answerable to them now?....won't be long !!

  • tornapart

    "It is VITAL that WE RECOGNIZE the faithful slave. Our spiritual health and OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD DEPEND on this channel." .....says the WT

    "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me."... says Jesus..... John 14:6

    "Those who make up the FAITHFUL SLAVE WILL GET this appointment when they receive their heavenly REWARD, becoming CO-RULERS with Christ. ".... says the WT

    "You know that the rulers of the nations lord it over them and the great men wield authority over them. This is not the way among you but whoever wants to become great among you must be your minister and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave".... says Jesus... Matt 20:25-27

  • SafeAtHome

    ctrwtf: ROFL! Where do we of the Sisterhood of PMS go to sign up for that?

    OnTheWayOut: My thoughts exactly as I read this, one of their "proofs" they are not a cult is that they follow no person or group of persons...well that is out the window. How do they get around that argument now? And I agree with punkofnice, they have to know it is a scam, there is no excuse for ignorance in this day and age. The tactics they use show they know what they are doing as they turn on the propaganda machine. That's why it is so frustrating for those of us with family still in: otherwise intelligent people, all who own a computer, to not allow themselves to do any research into the very thing that controls every facet of their lives.

  • nugget

    I love the way they slip in that in recent decades the faithful slave has been identified as the Gb. Decades or rather in the last few months when things didn't seem to be working out as planned and they needed to distance themselves from all the crazies taking the emblems. This creates the idea that this has been the doctrine for some time and any loyal JW will think that nothing has really changed.

    It is also clever the way that they say that humble annointed sisters would not want positions of oversight. This means that any annointed sister who questions their role instantly becomes proud and haughty and by association not annointed.

    In historic versions of the watchtower, the belongings were more closely associated with the people now it is the material assets that mean the most and the people are really responsible for their own faith . They provide materials for preaching and teaching but nowhere do they suggest that they have a personal interest in the health and well being of the faithful. So there is no physical care component to the role of the faithful and discreet slave. It says alot that they care more for physical structures and material things.

    So this relationship is all one way traffic. Jws give them their loyalty and assets and they in return give them 5 tracts at an assembly and a load of talks people will sleep through.

  • BU2B

    Great points Flipper. The GB along with the organization is truly a Golden Calf, placing themselves in the position where they presumtuously tell Jesus what he WILL do (appoint them (something they have previously taught has already occured)), and HOW HE WILL FEEL about it(delighted) when he does. I hang my head in sadness. It is truly, truly sad that JWs continue to go for this scam. Its also sad for all the other cult members there are too. Its classic.. for a group of men to claim that the only way to God is through them, a modern day priest class. Yet so few se the naked truth as you have highlighted. This has been done for millenia. Sadly this will continue in one way or another as long as there are humans on this earth. Humans seem to be so gullible. This is so sad.

    I was born into this cult and was baptized at 12 because I felt it was the right thing to do. Now I have a wife and young child, and I have to rack my poor tired brain constantly, trying to think of anyway to help her think! Guess what? JWs dont want to think! Most I feel, want detailed rules and regulations from a human source. How do you help someone escape from a jail cell they dont want to leave because they think its the only safe place. They think that they are in the cage for their own safety and the bars are just up to keep out evil people bent on ending their spiritual life! They are confined for their own good, and thats the way they like it. Its not fair that I will be punished at age 25 and kept from everyone I know because I want to be true to myself and now no longer agree with what I commited to as a minor at age 12. I want out, but now I have to suffer the pain of being trapped in as a hostage, and watching as everyone swallowes the blasphemous rancid whale shit that Mr Flipper so masterfully highlighted, like its filet mingion! And listen to everyone say how greatful they are for it. They are getting punched in the gut and begging for more. Getting their lives and futures raped from them by charlatans who demand they be RECOGNIZED and they beg for more pounding! UGH I hate them with my whole being. Guess Im just a ranting mentally ill person like they say we are. sorry for the rant

  • ILoveTTATT

    BU2B, please see my original post.

    We all need help to spread the truth about "The Truth™"

    I have done it all wrong... although I still have time to correct those mistakes!! For all those inside, I think it is in your best interests to stay inside and slowwwwwly work your way into your loved ones minds... and then get out as soon as possible.

    It is sad, truly sad... but have some hope!! Don't be too angry, this is the moment to have a clear mind and do things the BEST way possible!

    Don't add ammo to the WT by being angry... that just allows them to say that all "apostates" are angry people!

  • BU2B

    You are right, ILTATT. I generally do well and stay calm but emotion overcame me there.

  • SAHS


    Excellent post! That really says it all in a nutshell. I like the way you highlighted specific words of their loaded language. It does say a lot.

    Just yesterday, I showed my folks that infamous picture with the heading “The Earthly Part of Jehovah’s Organization Includes:” (on page 29 of the April 15, 2013 Watchtower), which shows the Governing Body way up at the top of the world (big surprise!) and the organizational hierarchy downwards. It shows Jehovah, and the angel flying in mid-heaven, but no Jesus Christ (you know, that fellow who kindly gave his life for our sins). I said that the picture is odd for a religion which claims to be Christian and that a lot of people think it is blasphemous. I then said to them that it is very telling as to how those of the Governing Body view themselves. Of course, both my mom and dad said that they didn’t see anything wrong with it. I asked my mom, “If you were to show that picture to people out in the field service, what do you think they would say about it?” She just said, “Oh, come on!”

    JWs just can’t see how fabricated, arrogant, and self-serving their wonderful leaders really are. They have been programmed to dismiss that Jesus guy in favor of a bunch of idiotic men.

    That is a good point about the sisters not being allowed to teach in the congregation even though they are supposed to inherit positions of kings, judges, and priests in heaven with Jesus Christ. Even more baffling: not only are they not allowed to teach in the congregation, but they are also not even allowed to serve behind the literature counter, operate the sound system, or handle the microphones! I don’t get it – a woman can work as the president of a large corporation or even the leader of an entire country during the day, but afterward when she goes to the kingdom hall she has to just sit there, and if she has any questions, she’s supposed to just keep her trap shut ask her husband privately at home. (That was in a Watchtower.) She is barred from holding any kind of service in the congregation (except, of course, to mop and clean the toilettes), as anything like the magazine counter and microphones supposedly require a ministerial servant; i.e., a male. (Don’t forget, it’s a cult developed by an alcoholic and self-proclaimed “judge” who said, “What is a woman anyway, but a hank of hair and a bag of bones.”)


    “For all those inside, I think it is in your best interests to stay inside and slowwwwwly work your way into your loved ones minds... and then get out as soon as possible.”

    That is certainly an option if it works for the person involved. But on the other hand, when you think of it, the WT organization will ignominiously kick any rule-violators or dissenters out very quickly – more like immediately. (Just ask Raymond Franz and many of his friends.) Not if they think nothing of going about it more like ripping off a band-aid with lightening speed, maybe it doesn’t seem so unreasonable that one could just do the same to them all – just decide to leave the organization relatively quickly. After all, they would do it to anyone in a heartbeat – just pull the rug out from under them just like that – so maybe it would be just as appropriate for a person to just decide to disfellowship them – the entire organization – and get out deliberately, conspicuously, and expeditiously. I.e., just do it to them before they can do it to you. The pain of shunning will come at some point anyway, but at least going cold turkey on all of them allows more of a sense of honor and satisfaction (closure) to the one who has the courage to just run out the damn door. (My two cents, of course. As they say in advertising, “results may vary.”)

  • ILoveTTATT

    @SAHS: I understand. I took an insane risk telling the people I have told. So far, they have not told the elders or nothing... so I am in the clear. I should definitely be incredibly more careful from now on, and I need help in finding out the best way to tell as many people WHILE I AM INSIDE since after that, no one will even say hi to me... in that situation, they won't be able to listen to me when I ask them things that do not scream "apostate!" while hopefully making them think!!

    I have to post a thread where I explain what I have told to whom and their reactions... please help me all... The people who I have told respect me (true, genuine respect, not falsely gained respect), most are extremely shocked, they would think that I would be the last person on Earth to have "these ideas"... and they listen to me.

    One of them temporarily shunned me (blocked me on Facebook), but later today unblocked me and even commented on a post like nothing ever happened!!

    @ cedars: Yeah, the July 15, 2013 is... wow... -.- Just wanted to note, that "a few years" means 45 years.... the "Great Tribulation stopped half-way" doctrine was in place from 1925 to 1970... so if "a few years" means 45... "around the corner" means....? hahahahahah


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