“I don't think we pray enough for those trapped in this controlling cult.”
I agree that we should have the desire and interest that those trapped in the cult, especially the children, are able to at least see their way out of that evil, man-made, legalistic forest. But in order for them to actually find an exit point, they need to have the simple truth about the so-called “truth” presented to them in one form or another for them to actually see it.
Prayer is a good self-motivation technique, but I think that we should also try doing something simple to allow those still inside the Watchtower prison to see the overall logic involved and be caused to wake up. And to that end, I think that there are some simple things we can do:
For those of us who have been lucky enough to find our own way out but have family still in, we can send a very brief letter with some appropriate Web links, such as http://www.jwfacts.com, http://www.a2z.org/wtarchive/archive.htm, http://www.watchtowerdocuments.com, http://www.ajwrb.org, etc., and perhaps enclose a very brief printout of some pertinent information for them personally to consider.
For any one of us, whether still in or not, we can very carefully disseminate a large volume of small, folded slips of paper which say something like, “Are You a Jehovah’s Witness? Pick me up” on the front-facing side, and then inside something like, “Do you have nagging questions about the Watchtower doctrines and policies? Are you perplexed by the ever-changing teachings and stance of the organization’s leadership? If so, then you owe it to yourself to at least consider the following facts:,” and finally, a short list of Web sites, such as the ones mentioned above. These could be covertly left in the kingdom hall on top of the toilets, in the cleaning supply room, the cloakroom, or in the parking lot. (Extreme care would have to be exercised, as many kingdom halls now have extensive surveillance systems which continuously record footage from multiple points!) And, of course, such little gems can also be scattered around public parks, public washrooms, bus stops, etc. I know it may be a tiny bit of littering, but that would be far outweighed by the benefits. First, it would serve as a warning to anyone who might be tempted to indulge the JWs when they call at their door, and second, it could provide that little wedge that might pry open a JWs mind and actually let some light in there. Of course, secretly leaving such little slips of paper at the kingdom hall would no doubt result in some interesting but strategic discussions being initiated among the JWs. (I.e., “Brother/sister so-and-so, look what I found on the floor in the washroom stall. It must be from some apostate. I wonder why someone would leave such a thing in there? . . . . hmm . . . . look at these Websites listed here . . . .”) You never know.
There has to be something tangible that can be done to help wake folks up. Prayer is positive, but so are real and clever actions!