My Judicial committee

by label licker 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • DogGone

    Like something out of Kafka! Crazy crazy crazy.

    I admire you for keeping it together. I would have lost it and said something that sealed the deal. Well, that is not true. I was so "in" I thanked the committee for making the difficult decision to disfellowship me.


  • cyberguy

    Hi label licker-

    Geepers, I'm so sorry! I dont' even know what to say right now. I'm without words! I'll respond shortly after I recover! I'm so sorry for your attack! Take care!


  • Listener

    No wonder you're tired out. This is appalling behaviour that you've been recieving. Six hours for a JC to start with and numerous accusations that have amounted to nothing. The sooner that you are able to disconnect from all this, the better.

  • WinstonSmith

    Thanks for sharing your experience, what a tough day for you. With the rapid rise in numbers of people lining up to accuse you, its almost like they smelled the blood and wanted a share. Group bully mentality at its finest.

    Can you feeeeeel the love?

    My advice is to use this experience to advance your fade. Start missing meetings, and when asked throw it back on them "Well brothers that was an awful experience having people who I thought were my friends lining up to kick me out. I didn't even get support from you, my shepherds. I'm really discouraged now."

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    " Elders said that their first prioriy worldwide is apostasy. "

    THAT is more telling than anything about this cult. Talk about inquisition.

  • Phizzy

    It came as a shock to me when the Elders, after a silence of years, got in touch to DF me for Apostasy, which aim they did not achieve LOL

    As a Monty Python sketch has it "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition" !

    We must expect more witch hunts, so if we wish to keep our "fade" in tact we must be circumspect.

    The successful fade may be pointless in the near future, such is the WT paranoia about "Apostasy" that I bet it won't be long before the GB demand that JW's cut off all contact, of any kind, with "inactive" ones.

  • 2+2=5

    It's exhausting just reading that. I feel for you.

    This is what happens when you don't do things Jehovah's way.

  • punkofnice
    old magazines of half truths

    Priceless. The new magazines are not much good either....but can I revise that to 'old magazines with NO truths'!?

    TBH. I don't know how you put up with that kangaroo court crap. The way they dealt with it once you said you'd got it recorded and you'd have to speak to your lawyer.....well......grand stuff!

    However -

    Elders said that their first prioriy worldwide is apostasy.

    Has there been some letter or new directive sent/communicated to the BOEs?

  • distantsun

    wow ! on the uk things are far more laid back

    never heard of witch hunts , like that ,crikey


    However - Elders said that their first prioriy worldwide is apostasy.

    Has there been some letter or new directive sent/communicated to the BOEs?

    E-mails, maybe? I would think that the letter would be leaked. It's probably a CO communicating to the BOE. Or just some overzealous Elders. Don't forget that to be an Elder you must obey the GB without question, be obtuse, and know which squeege works best at your particular altitude. Intelligence and reasoning ability are what cause Elders to step down. The longer things continue, the less "good" Elders will remain. It's built into the system.

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