I had to control my laughter...

by ILoveTTATT 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • ILoveTTATT

    Today at the meeting, during the prayer (to which I did NOT say "amen" to) the brother said "Thank you for everything the Faithful and Discreet Slave do for us. We know it is because they love us..."

    To which I had to really control my laughter cause I was about to burst out laughing... I just smiled, thankfully everyone else had their eyes closed and head down...


  • Phizzy

    Wottatwat the guy is. It sounds to me like one of those prayers I used to hate to listen to, where the guy seems to be following a script, and saying the things he thinks those he is sucking up to want to hear, all part of his career plan.

    None of such prayers come from the heart. It is almost as though they don't really believe Big J is listening.

    And as for the GB loving "us" HAHAHAHA , they just love the $$$ that the R&F continue to donate to maintain their Rock-Star lifestyle.

  • cantleave

    It won't be long before you find the meetings are completely unbearable. I only attended about 5 after waking up.

  • bigmac

    if you find it difficult--or--indeed--impossible--to listen to prayers---think what its like to have to be the poor bugger who has to trot it out. i hated it.

  • laverite

    Wouldn't it be funny for someone to start busting out laughing when something so ridiculous is said in a talk or a prayer? I'd pay to see that.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    "(to which I did NOT say "amen" to)"

    On the rare occasion I'm present during the conclusion of a JW prayer I now say "Gay Men".

    I calibrate the volume of the "G" very carefully.


  • tornapart

    I've noticed it too recently at our KH... some mention is always made of the F&DS and how wonderful they are... Jesus gets stuck on at the end as an afterthought. I can never say amen to a prayer like that.


    I had to control myself as well. During the KM part about baptism, the Brother was saying how there are no hard and fast rules about service time. He then gave the illustration of the Widow with two coins of little value. The hilarious thing was that this Elder was the very same one that shot me down in my " backroom hearings." Why? I said that having a rule for how many hours someone must get ( 10hrs per month, per year/not average) to even recommend them as an MS was wrong. Exemplary means just that. You are an example for your personal circumstances, which change and fluctuate. I then used the example of the Widow, and how Jesus would never have said," Two coins? That's nice, but can't you do better?"

    They went into an circuitous explanation of how the sheep won't jump unless you make them. The sheep will slack off if you don't goad them constantly.. I was furious, but wanted to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. One day I may..

  • ILoveTTATT

    @Laverite: You would almost have gotten your wish yesterday!! I almost did burst out laughing...

    @Open Mind: Hillarious!! Now for your comment, I DID burst out laughing LOL!!

    @ Data Dog: I am putting seeds of cognitive dissonance everywhere. Someone today in a JW page commented on today's text, which clearly is for the "anointed"... I asked, wait, how come this text is being applied to the "other sheep" if it clearly refers only to the "anointed"? How do we know when a text applies to us and when it doesn't?

    The reply (in Spanish): We are all under one shepherd. What is true, is that a sheepfold is made out of "carneros" and "ovejas"...

    If you know Spanish, this is an incredibly redundant statement. "Carneros" is male sheep... "ovejas" is usually referred to as all sheep, but in this case, female sheep.

    What this person said was as stupid as saying... true, humanity is made out of male humans and female humans...

    (Can I get a double facepalm??)


  • Pistoff

    (G)ay men, lol, that is now my new custom, hilarious.

    Wouldn't it be great if you could time the gay men to the constant mention of the FDS and GB during the prayer, like call and response?

    "Jehovah, please give your spirit to the faithful and discreet slave GAY MEN! and the governing body GAY MEN!

    Might be worth making a meeting or two

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