This is my jedi post!!!!!! Didn't think I'd ever make it, thought for sure Simon would boot me out way before this.........
...And now the force is with me!
by butalbee 12 Replies latest jw friends
"As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
Believe in yourself, not mythology.
<x >< -
Congrats Butalbee!
Congrats Bee!! I think you are such a nice person, I enjoy chatting with you and would like to meet you some day. My hubby and I are new to this posting board and I think we are trying to see who can do the most post! LOL He had to go to work out of town this last week, so I have been posting like crazy! I had to, he keep calling me a "Newbie". Ha Ha I'll show him. But really this room is loads of fun, and has been a saving force in my life. See ya ,Bee.
LOL maybe we need to have a Jedi convention, seeing there are so many of us now
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
Thanks everyone! You're the best!
Yeah, a Jedi Convention would be cool!
So......When do I get my 'glow in the dark' ring? Isn't that the prize for Jedi?
Congradulations butalbee!!!!! BTW I love your new pic.
Oh and about the glow in the dark ring, can only get that if yer a Jedd..........Jedd
LIGHTSABRES are dangerous weapons. Be sure to keep away from children and animals. DO NOT operate lightsabres indoors. Discussions in this page are purely for intellectual interest. This page is NOT intended as a training manual nor as any form of exercise regeime. DO NOT engage in any of the techniques described here with a lightsabre, or any other implement such as a stick or similar. The author takes NO responsibility for injuries or damage resulting from ANY actions based upon the techniques discussed herein. If you are interested in learning the Japanese sword arts of KENDO or IAIDO, you should seek out a fully accredited and qualified instructor, or sensei, and apply to his/her dojo.
safe4kids adds the following warning: please refrain from applying your tongue to the beam while in operation; it is not wintertime, and this is not a metal fence post, it's a freaking dangerous weapon!!
Congratulations on making Jedi!
Love, Scully
refiners fire
Congratulations Butalbee on making Jedi!!
Yay!!.Okay, happy now? Glad to hear it. Now you toe the line my girl and stop BURYING all those other DREADFULLY IMPORTANT threads, that are so VITAL to the freedom of SEARCHING JWs, in your BROTHEL like sex talk.
Christ this place is bloody boring at the moment...aint it?