I remember my shock as a teen since I had a somewhat sheltered life and I thought all JW's were 'behaved', 'good', etc, according to JW standards. From the pioneer sisters wanting to do 'porneia' lol to this JW party which left me dumbfounded.....(I had been to JW parties where alcohol was present, but everyone was drinking responsibly)....you would think that so called bad parties would be small groups, but I was at one with 100+ and pretty much everyone was drunk, cussing, fights breaking out, it was like a worldly party you'd see on tv or at a dorm, etc.
Those who were probably genuinely in good standing were those who never left their house unless it was for field service aka no social life at all.
I saw nothing but double sided lives.
Yet in "false religion" I was meeting so called fake christians who had no threat of disfellowshipping but were much more moral, they went out, even big events, camping, etc.
Yet group 1 was going to survive armageddon and group 2 would die because it wasn't 'the truth'.